This week’s episode we’re going to start a conversation about family engagement that we’ll likely continue across many episodes. The example we’ll use to guide this particular episode will be a time relevant event for many of us - Back to School Night or Curriculum Night. We’ll talk quite a bit about the work of Dr. Karen Mapp and a talk she gave on engaging families by linking those engagements (such as Back to School Night) directly to learning. You can watch her video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDPY1t8E6Cg. We also talk about the family guides that our state (Massachusetts) has made to help families understand what students are expected to know and be able to do by the end of each grade. You can see them here: https://www.doe.mass.edu/highstandards/.
Sep 11, 2021
33 min

In this episode, we will talk about tips for the start of the year from a general education teacher - Audra Alexander! We will discuss setting up the room, important information to share right away, and how to connect and build relationships from the start of the school year.
Aug 27, 2021
33 min

In this episode, we’ll talk about everything data collection! We’re going to start off by giving some tips and strategies for starting off a new school year, then we’ll talk about managing all of the data and prioritizing. With this, we’ll talk about different kinds of data. Then we’ll wrap up by discussing paper-based data and digital data, while we touch on student data privacy. This episode will be the first of many episodes that discuss data collection as its an integral part of special education.
Aug 19, 2021
32 min

This is our first episode! Hear us exchange tips and tricks for starting the new school year, including:Getting a handle on new IEPsScheduling student services and consultation meetingsPhysically setting up the roomIntroducing yourself to parents
Jul 30, 2021
38 min