I personally hired and worked with Master Nigel daily for six months. His ability to bring awareness to what ordinarily lives in the shadows and reveal the greatness and gifts within have helped me to learn, speak and act in my truth in a way that allows me to live my Heaven on Earth.
My choice of words and awareness around each of them has empowered me to transcend all that felt like it was holding me back.
I'm excited to bring you a taste of an expanded state of consciousness, a new awareness which pulls back illusion and reveals the greatness in all that is.
About Nigel Henry:
Nigel is the founder of MasteryUnleashed a business and personal performance acceleration company, who's current mission is to …
… “Activate and Unleash the Greatness in People”…
Nigel has more than 30 years combined experience in Software Engineering, Project Management, Business Development, Personal Development, and Spiritual Studies.
He is the creator of the Mastery Performance Activation System (MPAS), which is a set of high-performance tools, distinctions, and practices that allows Thinkers, Leaders, and Entrepreneurs to cause their ventures to flourish in a short period of time.
His clients include numerous small business owners, non-profit organization leaders, and corporations such as Chevron, Microsoft, GE Capital, CISCO Systems, Charles Schwab, Lawrence Livermore National Labs, The National Urban League, The City of Oakland, The SBA, and more ...
He now likes to be known as a Change Angel, Thought Leader, Activational Speaker, Author, Business Performance Engineer, and Mastery Performance Activator …
Learn more and get in touch with Nigel at https://masternigel.com or on instagram @masternigelhenry
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May 9, 2019
58 min

Ego points - Are parts of ones character where they identify who they are and how they relate to experiences.
Here's why they are important:
Once ego points are identified one can choose to embrace their current belief or transcend that belief. This is often done to create a more empowering perspective. This allows one turn "problems" into "solutions" thus revealing solutions that would have been hidden by a limited perspective.
As I recognize ego points within myself I will be able to reclaim my own personal power and self worth.
The revelation and transcendence of ego points helps me to create the life I desire most - my lifestyle, finances, relationships, health and spiritual connection all become enhanced.
Mike Sheilds is an international entrepreneur he is also ahead of the game as a healer and coach, his preferred working title is that of an alchemist as the results clients have received have been nothing short of magic and miracles.
Mike has had these gifts since childhood and through further personal journeys, many teachers and retreats, he now offers more signature programs which enable people to dive deep into their shadows, their ego and the patterns they play out, in order for them to truly reclaim their own piece of heaven on earth.
You can reach Mike at:
https://www.instagram.com/mikeshields111/ http://www.michaelshields.co.uk/
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May 2, 2019
56 min

Jeremy Lasman aka The Real Life Willy Wonka is a former SpaceX Technologist who is on a mission to unite humanity through our Universal Imagination through his business and soul's work Imagination Technology.
He is a lifelong professional wrestling fan and thrives at the intersection of work and play where magic is real.
If you are looking to expand what you believe to be possible so that you can make quantum leaps in consciousness and create your Heaven on Earth this episode is for you!
Jeremy and I discuss several mind blowing topics including:
How we both made the transition from religion to spirituality.
The value of imagination and intuition - and how to tap into them
The difference between the 3D matrix, 4th and 5th Dimensions - along with how to transition smoothly between each of these dimensions in order to be able to create a new reality through flow.
The realities that exist beyond the plane of duality -> a state that allows one to really access the power of free will.
Linear vs. Multidimensional time and space.
To work with Jeremy check out www.jeremylasman.com
If you enjoyed this episode than you will love the following resources:
The Heaven on Earth Blueprint
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Apr 26, 2019
1 hr 7 min

In Season 2 we switch into 5th Dimensional Conversations. I hope you enjoy this leap!
Did you get sold on the “American dream” of success only to realize that being famous, rich or having the biggest house on the street was someone else’s idea of success all along? Maybe you got left with huge debt from college, a home purchase or just “keeping up with the jones.” If so, you are like me and many others and will love this casual conversation with Yev, a Harvard PHD who found that there was more to life than what society, media and mainstream education was discussing.
In this conversation you will be taken past the 3rd dimension where we will discuss living consciously, radical openness and how to release the 3rd dimensional programming that most of us received throughout schooling so that you can live life exactly as you desire, making your own rules, your own success.
You deserve to be selfish, to have everything you ever dreamed.
Having a hard time making tough choices, keeping commitments, or quitting harmful habits? Conflicts at work or at home? Feeling like you are not living up to your full potential? Yev is a character coach and the creator of Six Streams, a system for discovering your purpose and achieving your dreams. He provides the resources you need to make conscious choices and embody who you really are. After graduating with a Ph.D. in Government from Harvard University, Yev spent a decade working in the field of National security.
In parallel, he received formal training in Integral Coaching, insight meditation, cognitive behavioral therapy, and the Enneagram of personality. He’s performed comedy and storytelling professionally, believing that good comedy requires self-awareness, and self-awareness requires a sense of humor.
His mission is to guide you deeper into your life voyage, towards the source of freedom and empowerment. Yev lives in D.C. with my tuxedo cat Winnie and his rescue beagle Moose.
To find out more about Yev check out https://www.facebook.com/thesixstreams/
If you enjoyed this episode than you will love the following resources:
The Heaven on Earth Blueprint
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Instagram: @myevolvedlyfe
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Apr 18, 2019
1 hr 14 min

In the deepest of darkness one can find the greatest light. Looking at ones shadows and creating an awareness brings about the light.
Arguably everyone who has lived has endured some sort of trauma, some challenge or adversity. Some may cave under that pressure and live a life pointing fingers, blaming challenges for the reason to overcome failure.
Steve on the other hand endured trauma beyond anything I have heard before, yet has somehow turned that experience into a platform to aid anyone in moving from feeling broken and abused to whole and empowered.
Steve is literally changing one of the largest most powerful organizations in the world, the church. Giving them tools to prevent and a new way to interact with previous victims of sexual abuse.
Steve also helps individuals have massive breakthroughs in every area of their life as a Beyond Intention Certified Life & Mindset Coach, International Radio Podcast Celebrity and Law of Attraction Practitioner.
But he's gone from literally nothing to creating his own version of heaven on earth, by being living his authentic truth.
This guy quite literally moulds his reality around his desires and creates his own space, using the Law of Attraction and mindset shifts that quite literally change people's lives!!
To connect with Steve reach himn on facebook or instagram - @ste.rowell
If you are interested in assistance as survivor of abuse or would like to support those who have experienced abuse visit Abuse Survivors Workshop
To get the blueprint of how to create your own Heaven on Earth pick up the book that shifts reality at https://amzn.to/2HCLaxC
Join the Evolved Life community on Facebook
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Instagram: @myevolvedlyfe
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Apr 11, 2019
1 hr 7 min

In this episode Colleen shares how to reveal your own gifts so that you can impact the world and earn a living by being yourself. She gives sound strategies to help determine where you may be undermining your own success and lowering your vibe. Once this is revealed she has clear practices that will help you become more connected with your true self, your higher purpose and share your gifts with the world at an amplified level.
About Colleen:
Colleen Gallagher is a childhood cancer survivor, author, Global Educator, Researcher and Founder of Global Citizen University.
She stands for the Revolutionary vision to empower leaders to leverage technology to create money to impact humanity.
Colleen travels all over the world (34 countries in counting) to educate and empower people to see how they can make a massive impact upon humanity by simply being them. Colleen is getting her Masters in Global Technology & Development where she focuses on how we can leverage technology to impact the 100 million displaced people around the world to create better opportunities for them. She plans to further her education by getting her PhD in International Relations.
To connect with Colleen reach out to her directly on Facebook or Instagram
To get the blueprint of how to create your own Heaven on Earth pick up the book that shifts reality at https://amzn.to/2HCLaxC
Join the Evolved Life community on Facebook
Subscribe to the Evolved Life YouTube Channel
Instagram: @myevolvedlyfe
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Apr 4, 2019
1 hr 22 min

Don’t be selfish, something I and many others have been told throughout our lives. While on the surface it seems like a great idea there is a new paradigm unfolding. Why? Because being selfish actually allows you to give more not only to yourself but all of those around you more than by giving only to others all of the time. Join me with author of “25 and selfish,” Brittany Berger who has started a movement to empower all those who come within her wake.
At first it would seem she is speaking to a very specific audience - young women - who are ready to transcend the victim mentality and use their power or choice, of free will, of creation to bring about the life of their desires. However, this Brittany is an inspiration to anyone, any age, any gender who is ready to be a great expression of love, of life expanding creation. If you are ready to be a force of greatness you’ll love this ocean side chat from the beaches of miami.
You can pick up a copy of 25 & Selfish at: https://amzn.to/2WqLG5p or learn more about Brittany at www.iambrittanyberger.com
To get the blueprint of how to create your own Heaven on Earth pick up the book that shifts reality at https://amzn.to/2HCLaxC
Join the Evolved Life community at https://www.facebook.com/groups/myevolvedlife
Brittany Berger has a natural ability to empower young adults and women in their quarter-life crisis stages. Prior to becoming an author, she worked as a corporate event manager and pursued her passion as a fitness instructor. Her enthusiasm for inspiring individuals has always come naturally to Brittany. Today, her ambition is dedicated to enhancing one’s self reflection by addressing personal truths and embracing authenticity. The events of this book are what has shaped her newfound path.
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Mar 28, 2019
1 hr 3 min

If you struggle with stress, anxiety, confusion, or overwhelm then this interview is going to be for you. Sue is extremely practical in the way she delivers information and really focuses on individuals who wish to transform within themselves. Sue is a psyche and intuitive medium, she is the creator and host of her own radio show called Gratitude Cafe and has over 20+ years of personal development experience.
This is going to be an amazing conversation all about clarity and what it takes to create clarity in this crazy life.
If you would like to join Sue's 16-day Craziness to Clarity Challenge starting January 1st then please visit https://www.suelundquist.com/evolvedlife where only the Evolved Life community can receive a 60% discount throughout the entire month of December!
When you join Sue's challenge you will also receive a free two-week membership to the Evolved Life platform where you will find courses and programs designed to bring more clarity and transformation for your mind, body, and soul.
Join today!
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Dec 3, 2018
43 min

In this episode of the Evolved Life Podcast our host Jonathan Gudroe speaks with Steve Rowell of ‘Do Life On Purpose’.
After experiencing, what can only be described as life-shattering physical, sexual, mental abuse and trauma as a child. Steve spent the majority of his early adult life struggling to keep these traumatic events hidden from the world around him, in an attempt to prevent them spilling into every area and aspect of his life.
As a result of his own personal struggles and the never-ending thoughts of self-harm and suicide. Steve decided, at the age of 34 to take back control of his life, after meeting his now wife Jemma, who also had experienced huge trauma in her life and was also struggling to live the happy fulfilled life she deserved.
Steve & Jemma both looked at each other’s mindsets and self-image; and both saw a whole different story in front of them, quite different to how they saw themselves.
This prompted Steve to look back on his life and who he actually was. Steve saw so many instances of being an achiever, a doer, a winner. By that point, he had already aced his exams, landed multiple jobs at first interview and had some massive successes in his life, despite what he had gone through as a child and teenager.
By utilizing the Law of Attraction, Steve was able to make massive shifts in his life and bring into creation his wildest dreams in some of the most unconventional ways.
Get ready to utilize the Law of Attraction in ways you may have never thought possible.
Enjoy this episode of the Evolved Life podcast!
Like what you hear? Visit evolvedlife.com/podcast for a FREE 7-day trial to all the awakening and transformational courses on our platform!
You'll find courses like...
- Belief Hacking: From Limited To Limitless
- The 14 Laws of The Universe: Take Your Manifestation Skills To New Levels
- Communication Mastery: Communicate Efficiently and Effectively
- The Wheel of Life: Find Where You Are and Where You Want To Be
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Nov 26, 2018
32 min

Episode 7: Following Your Intuition With Jessica Bubbico
In this episode of the Evolved Life Podcast our host Jonathan Gudroe speaks with Jessica Bubbico on how to listen to your intuition to manifest your life with grace and ease.
I’m sitting with Jess Bubbico who is a transformation coach and a manifesting maven. She’s been traveling the states bring her message of learning how to connect with their inner guide and create the reality they desire to experience. Jess was once a speech pathologist turned a traveling one person show.
You can find Jess on Instagram: @jes_bubbico
Podcast: Manifest Your Best Life Podcast
Facebook Group: Manifesting Mavens
Visit evolvedlyfe.com/podcast for a FREE 7-day trial to all the awakening and transformational courses on our platform!
You'll find courses like...
- Belief Hacking: From Limited To Limitless
- The 14 Laws of The Universe: Take Your Manifestation Skills To New Levels
- Communication Mastery: Communicate Efficiently and Effectively
- The Wheel of Life: Find Where You Are and Where You Want To Be
Join today! www.evolvedlyfe.com/podcast
Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/evolved-life-podcast/support
Nov 12, 2018
52 min
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