grownUPS Podcast


Stories connect the past to the present and weave a path to our futures. With an encouraging word, a funny memory or a burning question, grownUPS hopes to spread, love, joy and courage. Enjoy our many stories, tips and life hacks all geared to making your life easier and more fun. Glad you stopped by.
Self Discovery
Self discovery is like peeling an onion, there are layers and layers and each question takes you deeper. How deep you go is up to you. You can never truly know another person and I think that's true of ourselves. We can understand ourselves better and here are some questions you can ask yourself. It isn't enough to just answer, ask yourself why your answer is what it is and keep asking why till you get to the core.
Aug 25, 2020
33 min
Bee Yourself 🐝
I know what you're thinking, If we had a buck for everytime I heard that. But here's the thing, who are you really? Do you like you? Are you the most authentic, original version of you? You'll really enjoy this one
Aug 22, 2020
21 min
Adulting: 5 Things you weren't ready for
So you've been waiting, eagerly anticipating and now you're here you're like what the ...🀫. Adulting is nothing like we planned, here's some of the stuff that drive me crae-crae on my journey to adulthood. Growing up... false advertising btwπŸ‘ŽπŸΌπŸ˜‚
Aug 12, 2020
18 min
grownUPS (Trailer)
Aug 12, 2020
55 sec