Everything is Nothing Podcast

Everything is Nothing

Cody Norton
Just talking with some intelligent people about life and times that they had everything or nothing. We look at people thinking “Wow they have everything”, but they might feel that they have nothing at all. While listening ask yourself, is it all worth it at the end of the day? There will be drinks, laughs all mixed together for you to gain some insight into how other perceive happiness, goals, and insecurities.
Ep. 01 Eshel Lipman - The Boy With Glasses
Eshel Lipman, my co-founder of Ignite the Spark: Israel's Energy Tech Innovation Community and Serial Entrepreneur, and I chat about the power of community, goals, and drive to overcome the negativity. Disclaimer: This is our relationship in a nutshell and we just spitball ideas
May 29, 2022
33 min