Everything is Awesome with Jeff and ?
Everything is Awesome with Jeff and ?
Jeff Richardson
Episode 85: Faith and Marinara Sauce ft Cameron Kobes
1 hour 37 minutes Posted Mar 19, 2017 at 7:29 pm.
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Show notes

In which KC and Jeff make the acquaintance of one Mr. Cameron W. Kobes, author, student, and escaped farmboy; Cameron takes up writing at age 12; he describes the difference between rural life and university life; boludos and Argentina stories; Red Walls mice and rodents as the enemy; he didn't know about the gritty fairy tale trend; Baskin-Robbins is a wrist workout; kc speaks some silly words; Cameron comes home to find sub-par transit; Jeff and KC meet Cameron at Creative Colloquy; KC has Cameron's birthday deja vu; Cameron lived on a farm til age 18; work ethic is different between farmboys and the higher classes; Cameron is the only non religious one; the church of the invisible pink unicorn; he works writing like a job; Jeff remembers meeting KC, so fly; the power of spoken word heard in the proper setting; and more!



Closing Song:  "Fluorescent Adolescent" - Arctic Monkeys




Buy Cameron's book! Tales of Cynings, Volume I on Amazon.com

March 18th - Dockyard Derby Dames Championship Bout, Pierce College, Steillacoom, WA




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