Everyday Art Room
Everyday Art Room
The Art of Education University
Ep. 007 - The 3 Most Effective Ways to Help Students Retain Information
17 minutes Posted Sep 21, 2017 at 1:30 am.
How do we get kids to really retain information? How do we make sure they understand what you are presenting and teaching? It isn't always easy. In this episode, Cassie shares her 3 most effective strategies to help kids retain what they need to know. She also talks about why she loves to use call and response
tells an awkward Starbucks story
and describes how you can use your voice as a teaching tool
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How do we get kids to really retain information? How do we make sure they understand what you are presenting and teaching? It isn't always easy. In this episode, Cassie shares her 3 most effective strategies to help kids retain what they need to know. She also talks about why she loves to use call and response (5:15), tells an awkward Starbucks story (9:00), and describes how you can use your voice as a teaching tool (10:30).   Resources and Links: Here is Cassie's blog post on using call and response A video with another way to help students retain information This is a variety of ideas on teaching routines and procedures