What the House?! Podcast

What the House?!

This podcast is all about American politics. Whether you are republican or democrat or anything in between you are welcome here! I will brief you on current events, but I will also talk about history. I will discuss my opinions on the situation, but at the end of the day it’s truly up to you. So give it a listen if you want to know what’s going on without people screaming at each other about it :) All episodes will be published on Fridays!!
What the House?! (Trailer)
Dec 14, 2020
29 sec
Progressive Era
This is a podcast on health and safety of the progressive era
Jan 21, 2019
4 min
Part 2 of media bias!
This pod cast talks about amplification in the news or articles!
Dec 14, 2018
5 min
Media bias and Yellow Journalism
This is a project for my history class. I had to figure out how to include the media in my project talking about what I have learned about Media Bias and Yellow Journalism! Hope you enjoy!
Dec 12, 2018
6 min