Enweying - Our Sound Podcast Podcast

Enweying - Our Sound Podcast

Enweying Podcast
As an Anishinaabe household of 5 (including the dog), join us as we share our experiences raising our children speaking to them in Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe language) as Second Language Learners ourselves. Anishinaabemowin is the language of the Anishinaabe people - also known as Ojibwe. It is an Indigenous language that has been targeted by genocide since settlers arrived on Turtle Island (North America). This is our commitment to helping fight and reclaim OUR SOUND- ENWEYING. 
Updates: We're back!
Boozhoo!This is a grass roots podcast about  our family of 5 including our rez pup. We are raising our family in an Immersive Anishinaabemowin household.  We are anxious to try and share our lives with you again. This time hopefully with more audible content. This episode is updates on where we are now, how English has entered our lives and what we've done to try and combat lifes tribulations while reclaiming our language on our own land - Mshiikenh Mnising (Turtle Island). #LandBack #EveryChildMatters #LanguageBack linktr.ee/enweying.oursoundMany people have reached out to ask where they can donate or support revitalization efforts. This link leads to our Link Tree which has a Patreon as well as "Buy me a Coffee" where you can donate to our families cause and initiatives we do to support learning in the home and across our communities. Miigwech
Aug 30, 2023
1 hr 19 min
S1E6: Shkwaaj - The Last One
In this final episode of Season 1, of “Enweying - Our Sound” we reflect on our families’ journey since creating the podcast the feedback we have received since creating it and the emotions brought on with this podcast moving across Turtle Island through this “big spiders web.” We share some moments we are grateful for as we created this podcast and how it has helped us for the better moving forward as a family in our Anishinaabemowin Immersion household journey.In saying this, by episode 6 we feel we finally have the audio down pat BUT in doing so LISTEN AT YOUR OWN WILL because Mshkogaabwid Kwe’s LAUGH will blow your eardrums out/may break speakers. We caution you at: 5:45, 12:30, 18:40, 21:38, 37:40, 50:40 minute marks.PSA: If you do not wish to listen to us speak Anishinaabemowin, skip to 6 minutes.Follow us on Instagram @oursound.enweyinglinktr.ee/enweying.oursoundMany people have reached out to ask where they can donate or support revitalization efforts. This link leads to our Link Tree which has a Patreon as well as "Buy me a Coffee" where you can donate to our families cause and initiatives we do to support learning in the home and across our communities. Miigwech
May 28, 2021
57 min
S1 Bonus Track : Full CBC Interview
FULL Interview with Kate Adach from CBC.  18 Minutes of this interview was broadcasted on CBC’s Program: Unreserved, as well as through CBC Indigenous.  In this 53 min interview solely with Mshkogaabwid Kwe (Emmaline) hear the more in-depth answers Emmaline shares and digs deeper into her and Ozaawaa’s (Monty) backstory as a couple. We speak on normal challenges we face as a family, facing a pandemic as well as raising our children in a Anishinaabemowin-Immersion household. Mshkogaabwid Kwe opens up about moments that make it difficult, being isolated as Second Language learning parents, and how the pandemic has changed dynamics of this journey, and what it is the drives her and her family to keep going. Listen in if you’d like to hear her take on her families’ journey to revitalize the language and preserve it. **** I also want to apologize to those I may have offended when I referred to “Moana goes on in Hawaiian” I know I was really referring to Te reo Maori language. It was not an ignorance thing but a slip of the tongue being nervous. I apologize again as I am very aware these languages are not the same. Both languages and their many dialects and sub dialects are so beautiful and unique. I want to acknowledge this. ****Follow Enweying on Instagram: @oursound.enweyinglinktr.ee/enweying.oursoundMany people have reached out to ask where they can donate or support revitalization efforts. This link leads to our Link Tree which has a Patreon as well as "Buy me a Coffee" where you can donate to our families cause and initiatives we do to support learning in the home and across our communities. Miigwech
May 19, 2021
53 min
S1E5: Maintaining the Language Around Those Who Don't Speak
This episode we opened up a bit more about our past and our family dynamics. We discuss what it was that drove us to have this life, how our families felt about it, barriers we face connecting with Anishinaabemowin First Speakers, and being noticed within community while speaking. We cover sharing our journeys with our families, how we maintain immersion in an English world, tips and stories, and who has impacted us along the way. A lot of laughs and cries in this episode. Grab a tissue if you’re passionate!PSA: If you do not wish to listen to us speak Anishinaabemowin, skip to 7 minutes 50 sec.Follow us on Instagram @oursound.enweyinglinktr.ee/enweying.oursoundMany people have reached out to ask where they can donate or support revitalization efforts. This link leads to our Link Tree which has a Patreon as well as "Buy me a Coffee" where you can donate to our families cause and initiatives we do to support learning in the home and across our communities. Miigwech
May 1, 2021
52 min
S1E4: Children Should Learn Grammar!
In this episode, we talk about why children should learn grammar...kind of. We give our reasons in how and why children and adults need to learn the grammatical aspects of the language. We also discuss why adults need to know the more technical aspects of Anishinaabemowin and how we share our knowledge of 'grammar patterns' with our children. We talk about the importance of us as learners, reading to our children. We debunk an aspect of the language learning myth that 'children and adults learn (or acquire) language the same way'!PSA: If you don't want to listen to the Anishinaabemowin dialogue of the podcast, skip to 5 min 10 sec.Follow us on Instagram @oursound.enweying linktr.ee/enweying.oursoundMany people have reached out to ask where they can donate or support revitalization efforts. This link leads to our Link Tree which has a Patreon as well as "Buy me a Coffee" where you can donate to our families cause and initiatives we do to support learning in the home and across our communities. Miigwech
Apr 23, 2021
41 min
S1E3: Moments We Experienced Unexpected Challenges
During this episode we touch on times we have struggled trying to stay motivated and encouraged while parenting in an Anishinaabemowin Immersion household. We also speak on times of things that we found were obstacles to get over in our own personal learning journeys as we learned Anishinaabemowin as adults.PSA: If you do not wish to listen to our Anishinaabemowin dialogue skip to 6min 25 sec.Follow us on Instagram @oursound.enweyinglinktr.ee/enweying.oursoundMany people have reached out to ask where they can donate or support revitalization efforts. This link leads to our Link Tree which has a Patreon as well as "Buy me a Coffee" where you can donate to our families cause and initiatives we do to support learning in the home and across our communities. Miigwech
Apr 20, 2021
49 min
S1E2: Good Times Learning the Language
In this episode we touch on times that we have laughed while learning, times we have learned a lot and why, and times we felt rewarded in the home teaching our children the language.  PSA: If you do not wish to listen to us speaking Anishinaabemowin skip to 13 minFollow us on Instagram @oursound.enweyinglinktr.ee/enweying.oursoundMany people have reached out to ask where they can donate or support revitalization efforts. This link leads to our Link Tree which has a Patreon as well as "Buy me a Coffee" where you can donate to our families cause and initiatives we do to support learning in the home and across our communities. Miigwech
Apr 10, 2021
52 min
S1E1: Boozhoo! Welcome! Introduction to us!
Boozhoo! Hello!An introduction to our family. Ozaawaa Giizhigo Ginew & Mshkogaabwid Kwe speak in Anishinaabemowin (Ojibway) and English to explain our families journey as we raise our children in Anishinaabemowin as Second Language Learners. Get to know us as we share times we have spent learning the language we which found enjoyable and fun in this episode! Join us on our journey as we discuss resources, tips, advice, stories, triumphs, dissapointments, realities, laughs and guests as we walk on this road to Anishinaabemowin fluency. Chi-Miigwech! Thank you so much!Follow us on Instagram @oursound.enweyingWhat is Anishinaabemowin? The 'Ojibway' language, known as Anishinaabemowin (ah-nish-in-nah-bay-mo-win) is the language of the Anishinaabeg. The original peoples of Turtle Island (otherwise known as North America) The language is currently at risk of being lost due to colonization but with the efforts of elders/speakers, ancestors, spirit and community we hope to revitalize it and give it back to our children. This is our families dedication and story of how we will try and manifest this in our lifetime. linktr.ee/enweying.oursoundMany people have reached out to ask where they can donate or support revitalization efforts. This link leads to our Link Tree which has a Patreon as well as "Buy me a Coffee" where you can donate to our families cause and initiatives we do to support learning in the home and across our communities. Miigwech
Apr 10, 2021
45 min