Emerge: Making Sense of What's Next
Emerge: Making Sense of What's Next
Daniel Thorson
Vince Horn - Meditate with AI
1 hour 7 minutes Posted Jul 23, 2023 at 10:09 am.
Intro to Social Meditation
Evolution of Social Meditation
The Role of Language in Meditation
Significance of Meditation Moving into the Inter-Relational Context
Social Meditation’s Effects on Relationships
The Meditatewith.ai App & The Issues It Addresses
Intra-Connection, Interconnection & How Social Meditation Can Impact Groups
Vince’s Inspiration For This Work
How AI Is Used in the App
Social Meditation and the Unfolding of the Spiritual Path
Creating and Refining a Protocol for Social Meditation
Value of Social Meditation for the Meta-Crisis
Next Steps for the App
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Vince Horn and Daniel discuss the evolution, benefits, and potential of social meditation. They explore the new meditatewith.ai app created by Vince and Interbeing Inc. co-founder Chris Ewald. The app allows users to practice social meditation with an AI partner, with the ultimate goal of deepening the realization of human interconnectedness in everyday life. Vince and Daniel discuss how social meditation can affect relationships and networks, and how the practice might help address core issues of alienation from self, other, and world at the heart of the meta-crisis.
Vince Horn is part of a new generation of teachers translating age-old wisdom into 21st century code. A computer engineering dropout turned modern monk, Vincent spent his 20s co- founding the Buddhist Geeks project while doing a full year of silent meditation practice on retreat.
Try the app at meditatewith.ai