Elis James and John Robins on Radio X Podcast
Elis James and John Robins on Radio X Podcast
Radio X
Episode 8 - Farthing-gate, Elis Be-nephewed, Stealing Milk & Competitive Cranium...
1 hour 4 minutes Posted Apr 5, 2014 at 4:00 pm.
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This week Elis took a look at Welsh culture whilst John debated what to wear to an upcoming wedding - he's inexperienced. Sacred Cow returned with the boys questioning the virtues of U2, and young James took us through his milk-related problem in Textual Healing. Controversy arose during Winner Plays On, with John's farthing knowledge pitted against Elis' memories of Welsh world cup qualifiers. The duo are back live next Sunday from 10am til 1pm -see you then!