Buddhist Books Podcast Podcast

Buddhist Books Podcast

Edward Reib
An approachable, sometimes humorous, series available on YouTube or any Podcasting platform.
Buddhist Books: TIPIṬAKA - Part 129: Bhikkhunivibhaṅga, Pāṭidesaniya
& Sekhiyā Dhammā
This is Part 129 of my recital of the "Tipiṭaka," the "Three Baskets" of pre-sectarian Buddhism, as translated into English from the original Pali Language. In this episode, we'll read "Pāṭidesaniya," and "Sekhiyā Dhammā" the sixth and seventh parts of "Bhikkhunivibhaṅga," which is the second part of the "Vinaya Piṭaka," the first of the three "Piṭaka," or "Baskets."
Dec 25, 2023
32 min
Buddhist Books: TIPIṬAKA - Part 128: Bhikkhunivibhaṅga, Pācittiya LXXXVI, LXXXVII, LXXXVIII, LXXXIX, XC, XCI, XCII, XCII, XCIII, XCIV, XCV & XCVI
This is Part 128 of my recital of the "Tipiṭaka," the "Three Baskets" of pre-sectarian Buddhism, as translated into English from the original Pali Language. In this episode, we'll finish reading "Pācittiya," the fifth part of "Bhikkhunivibhaṅga," which is the second part of the "Vinaya Piṭaka," the first of the three "Piṭaka," or "Baskets."
Dec 20, 2023
36 min
Buddhist Books: TIPIṬAKA - Part 127: Bhikkhunivibhaṅga, Pācittiya LXXXI, LXXXII, LXXXIII, LXXXIV & LXXXV
This is Part 127 of my recital of the "Tipiṭaka," the "Three Baskets" of pre-sectarian Buddhism, as translated into English from the original Pali Language. In this episode, we'll continue reading "Pācittiya," the fifth part of "Bhikkhunivibhaṅga," which is the second part of the "Vinaya Piṭaka," the first of the three "Piṭaka," or "Baskets."
Dec 18, 2023
36 min
Buddhist Books: Padmasambhava - Part 11
This is Part 11 of my recital of the "The Life & Liberation of Padmasambhava," a translation of "Padma Thang-yig," by Yeshe Tsogyal. In this episode, we'll read Canto 19.
Dec 7, 2023
34 min
Buddhist Books: TIPIṬAKA - Part 126: Bhikkhunivibhaṅga, Pācittiya LXXV, LXXVI, LXXVII, LXXVIII, LXXIX & LXXX
This is Part 126 of my recital of the "Tipiṭaka," the "Three Baskets" of pre-sectarian Buddhism, as translated into English from the original Pali Language. In this episode, we'll continue reading "Pācittiya," the fifth part of "Bhikkhunivibhaṅga," which is the second part of the "Vinaya Piṭaka," the first of the three "Piṭaka," or "Baskets."
Nov 27, 2023
33 min
Buddhist Books: TIPIṬAKA - Part 125: Bhikkhunivibhaṅga, Pācittiya LXIX, LXX, LXXI, LXXII, LXXIII & LXXIV
This is Part 125 of my recital of the "Tipiṭaka," the "Three Baskets" of pre-sectarian Buddhism, as translated into English from the original Pali Language. In this episode, we'll continue reading "Pācittiya," the fifth part of "Bhikkhunivibhaṅga," which is the second part of the "Vinaya Piṭaka," the first of the three "Piṭaka," or "Baskets."
Nov 21, 2023
31 min
Buddhist Books: "Kundun" Reaction & Review
In this Special Episode of Edward Reib's "Buddhist Books" Podcast, we'll be watching Martin Scorsese's "Kundun," released in 1997. "Kundun" is a historical bio-pic made in collaboration with His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama. It covers the period starting with just before he was discovered as a child until the day he left Tibet, as seen from his point of view.
Nov 17, 2023
1 hr 11 min
Buddhist Books: TIPIṬAKA - Part 124: Bhikkhunivibhaṅga, Pācittiya LXIV, LXV, LXVI, LXVII & LXVIII
This is Part 124 of my recital of the "Tipiṭaka," the "Three Baskets" of pre-sectarian Buddhism, as translated into English from the original Pali Language. In this episode, we'll continue reading "Pācittiya," the fifth part of "Bhikkhunivibhaṅga," which is the second part of the "Vinaya Piṭaka," the first of the three "Piṭaka," or "Baskets."
Nov 11, 2023
32 min
Buddhist Books: TIPIṬAKA - Part 123: Bhikkhunivibhaṅga, Pācittiya LXI, LXII & LXIII
This is Part 123 of my recital of the "Tipiṭaka," the "Three Baskets" of pre-sectarian Buddhism, as translated into English from the original Pali Language. In this episode, we'll continue reading "Pācittiya," the fifth part of "Bhikkhunivibhaṅga," which is the second part of the "Vinaya Piṭaka," the first of the three "Piṭaka," or "Baskets."
Oct 5, 2023
32 min
Buddhist Books: TIPIṬAKA - Part 122: Bhikkhunivibhaṅga, Pācittiya LVI, LVII, LVIII, LIX & LX
This is Part 122 of my recital of the "Tipiṭaka," the "Three Baskets" of pre-sectarian Buddhism, as translated into English from the original Pali Language. In this episode, we'll continue reading "Pācittiya," the fifth part of "Bhikkhunivibhaṅga," which is the second part of the "Vinaya Piṭaka," the first of the three "Piṭaka," or "Baskets."
Oct 2, 2023
37 min
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