Amanda is a social work academic in the School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work, at Queen's University Belfast. She is interested in the intersection of social work and digital technologies and is particularly well known for development of creative teaching methodologies, and experiential approaches in social work education. One of these methods is Social Work Book Group - a synchronous and asynchronous teaching method, that uses fiction to explore the human condition. @SWBookGroup ( began with just three students in UCLan library. and now has a following of over 6,500 thousand. Social Work Virtual Pal is another of Dr Taylor-Beswick’s innovations - where she and a colleague in America have essentially digitized the original 'Pen pal' method. You can find out more about it on the Social Work Virtual Pal website or on the @SWVirtualPalTwitter feed. Dr Taylor-Beswick has recently advised on the BASW/SCIE Digital Capabilities for Social Work Project 2020 in England and has a few EdTech awards to her name: JISC50 2016; UK GOV Women Tech Leader 2018; EdTech50 2020. Her most recent study 'examined the contribution of social work education to the digital professionalism of students in readiness to practice'. You can follow Amanda on Twitter @AMLTaylor66