Eating Disorder - Fed Up Recovery Podcast Podcast

Eating Disorder - Fed Up Recovery Podcast

If you're struggling with an eating disorder or are preoccupied by food and body image, Fed Up Recovery is here to support you. Host Kim Truedson, talks about her experience of struggling with an 8+ year eating disorder and how she recovered. Kim also brings her insight of working at an ED recovery center.
Body Dysmorphic Disorder, OCD, and Disordered Eating
Kim interviews Dylyn on her experiences living with Body Dysmorphic Disorder and how that has affected her eating behavior and life in general.  In this episode you will learn: -Symptoms of BDD -Prevalence of BDD -Experiences of overlap of different disorders
May 27, 2020
51 min
Romanticizing Eating Disorders and ED Hospitalization
Kim talks about her experience with hospitalization while having an eating disorder and how this mental health issue can often be romanticized.   
May 27, 2020
22 min
Tips For Traveling With An Eating Disorder
On today's episode, Kim sits down with long-time friend Katie and talks about her experiences of traveling while coping with an eating disorder.    In this episode we discuss: - Difficulties of traveling with an eating disorder - Ways to prepare for travel that can reduce stress around food - Why it's important to get support while traveling  - How you can not let your eating disorder prevent you from fully living
May 24, 2020
30 min