EasyLearning Podcast


Geeta Kaur
Absolutely going to fill your days with the new way of learning insurance and marketing, I am a Certified Senior Trainer based in Bali Indonesia who is experienced in Financial Industry for many years. This channel is created simply for one purpose to unlimited your source to be a better Sales Person. Enjoy the episodes!
Teknik Jitu Berasal Dari Hati / Spiritual Practice
So I started teaching sales – in a way that truly resonated for the Sales Force. This is a simple way to learn how to approach sales as a spiritual practice – a service to others, an expression of their spiritual leadership, and a self-development tool.
Jul 9, 2020
10 min
Code of Ethic as an Insurance Agent
Tatanan etika yang menjadi pedoman dalam bersikap perilaku, serta pegangan teguh seluruh insan industri asuransi jiwa dalam menjalankan aktivitasnya.
May 5, 2020
8 min
What is Anti Money Laundering?
Professional Insurance Advisor wajib mempelajari dan menghindari kejahatan pencucian uang, sesi kali ini membahas history of Money Laundering dan peraturan Anti Pencucian Uang dan Tindakan Terorisme di Indonesia.
Apr 28, 2020
6 min