Earth's Final Hour Podcast

Earth's Final Hour

Earth's Final Hour
Come explore Biblical Prophecy with us! What does the Bible say about end time events? What relevance does it have for us today? How can I learn what these symbols in Revelation represent? Join us weekly, as Pastor Dave and Amanda dive into the books of Daniel and Revelation to explore what importance these ancient books have for us in this modern world.
Episode 8 – War in Heaven
Did you know that the Bible refers to a war in heaven? Yes, a place of peace and tranquility, the very domain of God once was under siege by a rebellious angel named Lucifer. What was the war about? Who was this war between? Is the war still going on right now?
May 24, 2023
40 min
Episode 7 – Will the Second Coming be a Secret?
By the year 2000, 20.4 million copies of the Left Behind Series were sold in stores all across the globe. Unfortunately, they contained several serious Biblical flaws: the teaching of the 7 last years of Earth’s history, and the method of Jesus’ second coming. Although these books were works of fiction, they promulgated a false teaching that Jesus’ true followers would be whisked away in a secret rapture, leaving only those unbelievers behind to face the 7 last years of the final tribulation. But is this what the Bible teaches? As students of the Word, we should dive in deeper to discover what the Word says about Jesus’ second coming, and what we can do to prepare for it.
Apr 2, 2023
40 min
Episode 6 – The King’s Mysterious Dream
It’s no secret, King Nebuchadnezzar was given a mysterious dream which no man was able to tell, nor give it’s interpretation. But thanks to the faith of Daniel and his three friends, God revealed the dream, and it’s interpretation to show the king there was a true God in heaven – and He alone is the revealer of secrets. This 100% accurate interpretation foretold the coming empire which would take over Babylon, and described all the major empires which would control God’s people up until He comes again to establish His final kingdom. We surely are living in the toes of this image shown to the King. Are you ready for His coming?
Mar 20, 2023
51 min
Episode 5 – The Final 3.5 Years
As we saw last week, Jesus confirms the covenant with many, and puts an end to sacrifice and offerings in the middle of the last week of the 70-week prophecy. But what happened the remaining 3.5 years after Jesus died and was resurrected?
Mar 13, 2023
37 min
Episode 4 – Who Confirms the Covenant?
In this podcast, we discuss the often-misunderstood last week of Daniel’s 70-week prophecy, which states that someone would confirm a covenant with many and would cause sacrifice and offerings to cease. Who is that person? When does this last week (literal 7 years) happen?
Mar 5, 2023
39 min
Episode 3 – Jesus the Fulfillment of Time
Discover the prophecy outlining the very year the Messiah would be anointed! Using Archeology, History, both Old and New Testaments you can reveal the exact year.
Feb 20, 2023
33 min
Episode 2 – 70 weeks Explained
The identification of the Messiah 500 years prior to His arrival!
Feb 13, 2023
41 min
Episode 1 – The Cursed Prophecy of Daniel 9
What is the prophecy in the book of Daniel that most Rabbi’s forbid their constituents to study? That is the prophecy which identifies Jesus as the Messiah!
Feb 12, 2023
35 min