Early Days with Tyler Norwood Podcast

Early Days with Tyler Norwood

Ever wonder how your favorite companies were built? Early Days dives in with world class founders to unwrap the story of how they launched some of the planet's most influential companies. Early Days is created by Tyler Norwood and Antler.
Magical—How to build the world's best automation platform with Harpaul Sambhi
Harpaul Sambhi dives into how he built Magical, a company focused on reducing monotony and pain in everyday tasks through simple, effective automation.   At the time of recording, Magical had just raised $41m in funding and automated over 1 billion tasks for more than 10,000 companies globally.People Harpaul follows for inspiration:Shahed Khan - Founder of Loom.Jeff Weiner - Founder of LinkedIn.Neil Patel - NYT best seller.Books Harpaul recommends:Letters From a Stoic - Seneca.Meditations - Marcus Aurelius.The Courage to be Disliked - Ichirou Kishimi & Fumitake Koga
Jul 28, 2022
58 min
TravelPerk—How to build a billion dollar human connection platform for travel with Avi Meir
Avi Meir, Founder and CEO of TravelPerk shares his story of becoming a serial entrepreneur, and how his latest venture, TravelPerk, is changing the game in corporate travel. 
Jun 22, 2022
53 min
Airtable—How to build the world's biggest no code platform with Andrew Ofstad
Andrew Ofstad, Co-founder of the world's largest no code platform, Airtable, shares how three friends from college built an $11bn dollar no code empire that more than 80% of the Fortune 100 use day to day.
Jun 15, 2022
41 min
Superhuman—How to build the world's fastest email client with Rahul Vohra
Rahul Vohra, Founder and CEO of the your favorite email client, Superhuman, shares how he first came up with the idea, and how he has successfully competed with one of the world's most powerful companies, Google.
Jun 1, 2022
47 min
Strava—How to build the world's largest community for athletes with Mark Gainey
Mark Gainey, the Co-founder and Chairman of Strava shares the story of how he built the worlds largest online athlete community.
May 23, 2022
51 min