While still practicing social distancing, Katie and Alexis record separately from their own homes this week. The girls discuss things they have been doing to stay busy during “quarantine” and some of the shows and movies they have been watching.
Apr 2, 2020
47 min

Katie and Alexis record separately this week from their own homes while they practice social distancing and try to shed some light on the unfortunate Coronavirus situation. The Bachelor finale is finally discussed and the girls talk about Tom Brady leaving the New England Patriots. During this time, be mindful of your surroundings.
Mar 19, 2020
57 min

Alexis and Katie dive right into the Coronavirus discussion. As usual, the girls talk all things Bachelor before the season finale. Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott, Chick-Fil-A, and a night out in Haverhill are among the many things discussed this week!
Mar 11, 2020
48 min

Alexis and Katie tell about their experiences buying their first cars. As always, be prepared for more Bachelor updates! Katie tells about a family who has exchanged their normal life for the outdoors. Alexis discusses why it’s important to learn from your mistakes.
Mar 4, 2020
40 min

Alexis fills us in on some details of her new job and a night out in Lowell. The girls discuss last week’s episode of the Bachelor and some predictions for the rest of the season. Quaden Bayles, Scott Disick and Sofia Richie, the “Friends” reunion, and Al Capone (what?) are some topics that are discussed this week. Alexis shares a positive quote that is relevant to both her and Katie's lives.
Feb 26, 2020
50 min

This week, Alexis and Katie reunite with their college friends for a night out in Manchester, and things go south for Katie. Some recent news on Justin Bieber is discussed. And of course, be ready for more Bachelor updates!
Feb 19, 2020
54 min

In this week's episode, the girls discuss more Bachelor updates and the Super Bowl. Alexis fills everyone in on her latest life update; quitting her job! Katie and Alexis discuss the Coronavirus and Stormi World. Alexis tells how to acknowledge your accomplishments and why it’s good to do so.
Feb 5, 2020
45 min

This week, meet Alexis and Katie’s friend Audra as she joins in on the conversations and recaps The Bachelor with them! (spoilers) Listen to learn how the girls met and what their friendship is like now. Thoughts and prayers are with the Bryant family and the families of those who were also affected in the devastating incident.
Jan 28, 2020
47 min

This week, Alexis and Katie discuss all things Bachelor! *There will be spoilers!* Pilot Pete is back and there is so much drama to be discussed. Also, find out how and what happened when the girls met Snooki from Jersey Shore and her sidekick Joey Camasta. Alexis introduces the “Salt Experiment.”
Jan 27, 2020
46 min

Once again, there will be *Bachelor Spoilers* in this week’s episode! The girls also discuss Taylor Swift and the news about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. Alexis tells us how negative energy affects those around you.
Jan 21, 2020
53 min
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