You’ve got questions? I’ve got answers.This week I’m switching things up a bit. In this episode I’m answering YOUR questions on weight loss. Tune in to learn: How can I set myself up for success on vacation? How do I stop eating- I know the portion is enough but I continue going back for more? What can I do to stop after one portion?How can I stop snacking after dinnerWhat are good carbs? Do you have questions or topics you’d like to hear more about? You can submit them he...
Mar 22, 2022
10 min

Most of us have a hard time being proud of ourselves. It’s easy to get wrapped up in all the things you didn’t do, could have done better, or should have done. But when you can start to find the proud moments, it motivates you to do more- it motivates you to show up in a way that energizes you and fulfills you vs. in a way that depletes you. Tune in to learn why it’s important to start looking for reasons to be proud of yourself- not just in weight loss, but in all areas of your lif...
Mar 8, 2022
6 min

Are you worried about how you’ll keep the weight off once you’ve lost it? Or, maybe you’re saying, “maintenance”?! I’m still trying to figure out this weight loss thing. And that’s ok, because maintenance is something you want to be thinking about even as you’re just getting started. You want to have a maintenance mindset from the start- meaning you’re doing things to lose weight in the way you plan to keep it off. Tune in to this episode on maintenance to learn: Why...
Mar 1, 2022
11 min

On this episode of Drop The Diet Weight Loss, we take a look at different ways self-sabotage may be holding you back from your health and weight loss goals. Tune in to find out exactly why you’re doing it, and learn my 3-step process on how to kick self-sabotage to the curb and take control of your life and your future. EPISODE SHOW NOTES + TRANSCRIPTCONNECT w/MELISSA ON INSTAGRAM: @melissa.lagrant
Feb 22, 2022
11 min

People pleasing is a popular topic I've been coaching on in my membership these last couple weeks. People pleasing around food comes up a lot for women- in social situations, with family and friends and work events. We people please to protect ourselves. It's a behavior turned into a pattern, turned into a habit. And YOU can absolutely begin to change this habit.In this episode, I'm chatting about why it happens and what you can do to start showing up in your life with more ti...
Feb 15, 2022
10 min

Do you feel like you’re eating healthy and moving your body but still can’t seem to lose weight? Or, maybe you feel like you’ve made a bunch of small changes but still aren’t seeing the progress you thought you would? If you are having these types of thoughts or feeling a bit discouraged- first know that you’re not alone. In this episode, I’m going to give you some things to check in on and easy steps you can implement today to start seeing progress. I’d love to support you, le...
Feb 8, 2022
10 min

My weight loss isn’t happening fast enough. Ever had that thought? It’s one of those thoughts that can send you down a spiral of diet mentality, punishing yourself into weight loss, and hopping back on that yo-yo diet merry go round- and I want to make sure that doesn’t happen to you. In this episode, I’m going to tell you exactly how to move out of the feelings of frustration and defeat that you may experience when you’re not seeing the progress you expected. And remember, par...
Feb 1, 2022
8 min

Are you worried about how you’ll keep the weight off once you’ve lost it? Or, maybe you’re saying, “maintenance”?! I’m still trying to figure out this weight loss thing. And that’s ok, because maintenance is something you want to be thinking about even as you’re just getting started. You want to have a maintenance mindset from the start- meaning you’re doing things to lose weight in the way you plan to keep it off. Tune in to this episode on maintenance to learn: Why it’s ...
Feb 1, 2022
11 min

Have you ever said to yourself, “I deserve to eat this?” Maybe at the end of a long day, or a tough conversion, or even after a workout? If so you’re not alone, my friend. I want to help you get into a place where you are eating the foods you love because you enjoy them- not to feel better, or avoid feelings, or escape from the day. Tune in to hear what exactly the ‘I deserve it’ eating mentality is, how it pops up, and the exact steps to take to move away from this unwanted ea...
Jan 25, 2022
10 min

How’s it going with the nutrition and weight loss goals you set for the new year? This is the time of year when some of that New Year’s motivation might be wearing off…or maybe it’s barely hanging on. And that’s ok, because we don’t need to wait around for motivation to show up. Motivation comes from taking action. But what you may need to do is remind yourself WHY you want this. Nailing down your ‘whys’ is such an important part of the journey and in this podcast episode,...
Jan 18, 2022
8 min
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