Dream With Me Podcast

Dream With Me

Kristin Rivas
Dream With Me is a collection of conversations where the unexplained mystery of dreaming is discussed. Hosted by Kristin Rivas, each conversation is meant to make you more curious about your own dreams and their relevance to our waking lives. If you’d like to share a dream with me please send me a message @rivasekristin on IG 🌚🪐💫
Episode 6 - Symbols: Snakes, Babies & Home
Ever dreamt of snakes, babies or your home? In this week's episode Kristin will review these three symbols and share potential explanations of why they may have shown up in your dreams. 
Dec 20, 2020
25 min
Episode 5 - Symbols: Tsunami, Losing Teeth & Childhood Crushes
Ever dreamt of a tsunami, losing teeth or being visited by your childhood crush? In this week's episode Kristin will review these three symbols and share potential explanations of why they may have shown up in your dreams. 
Nov 17, 2020
20 min
Episode 4 - What Does My Dream Mean?
In this week's episode, Kristin will share her process of interpreting dreams. She believes that dreams are the visual language of our subconscious and that symbols within our dreams can help us understand their deeper meaning. She also shares a dream of her own and does an interpretation.  
Oct 30, 2020
21 min
Episode 3 - How To Remember Your Dreams
In this week's episode, Kristin will share her secret to remembering dreams. She will challenge the common misconception that you "don't dream" by providing evidence and insight from her personal experiences, as well as memory exercises to strengthen your mind. 
Sep 26, 2020
23 min
Episode 2 - Grandma's Dream
In this week's episode, Kristin will be joined by her grandma to discuss an almost 20 year old dream that she had. Grandma will relive her experience and share why after all of these years, this dream still remains fresh in her memory.  
Sep 14, 2020
18 min
Episode 1 - Why Dreams?
In this first episode, Kristin will be answering two key questions: Why dreams? And why Dream With Me? She uses this episode as an opportunity to give you more context into her decision to focus on dreams and why she believes dreams deserve more of our attention. 
Sep 2, 2020
16 min