Dr. Carol Francis
Dr. Carol Francis
Dr Carol Francis
How Can We Each Change Racially-Driven Cruelty - Dedicated to Mr. Floyd.
58 minutes Posted Jun 1, 2020 at 2:30 pm.
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Brutal murder of George Floyd deserves an uprising of all people, an uprising against racially driven brutality and cruel inhumane disrespect. Since May 25, 2020, marches and riots occupy cities across USA, some peaceful, others violent and destructive. Some looters are not part of the meaningful marches and seem driven by greed, or worse yet GOP tricksters rousing up more racial intolerance and resentment. Our Nation needs deep repair of damages caused by the hate-messages of antagonistic Trumpisms, White Supremacists, and cruel greediness. These grievances against people of dark skin extend much farther than our current political debacles, however. For centuries, our society has needed to recalibrate over and over again. It needs to reshape its social structures until humane respect is uniform across skin color. How do we help this movement however without destroying what good exists in the businesses and homes of ordinary well-meaning people? How do white people help? How does media need to help.  How do voters need to help. Guests today include highly educated and conscientious individuals who have some ideas for each of us to consider.  Join Dr. Carol Francis and her guests for a pithy, respectful, and soul searching conversation.  We can not be passive! We need to be constructive. But how? Video: https://youtu.be/Nqv9k3jbtYU