Down the Security Rabbithole Podcast (DtSR)
Down the Security Rabbithole Podcast (DtSR)
Rafal (Wh1t3Rabbit) Los
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DtSR Episode 298 - Overcoming the Language Barrier
50 minutes Posted May 28, 2018 at 9:00 pm.
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Show notes

Two more episodes until we hit #300...what a crazy ride it's been! Thanks for taking the journey with us, and we're looking forward to having you along for another 300 (maybe).


Highlights from this week's show include...

  • Applications of DoD security in a non-DoD world
  • The meaning and elements of the risk equation
  • Understanding (making sense of) the risk equation
  • Swimming in the swamp of marketing literature
  • AppSec as an area of expertise (again, and again, and again)


Go see Jeff at Circle City Con if you're attending. He's giving a talk ( ) titled "(Re)Thinking Cyber Security Given the Spectre of a Meltdown: (Someone Hold My Beer)"

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