Down The Research Rabbit Hole Podcast

Down The Research Rabbit Hole

Abha Awasthi
Academic research is gruelling to read through, but strangely binge-worthy once you get into the meat of it. Hence this podcast, which features social scientists on their work. Catch us on Twitter or Instagram at the handle @DTRRHpodcast for updates.
Christianity, Democracy & Trump ft. Philip Gorski
Philip Gorsky is a comparative-historical sociologist from Yale University. His areas of research interest and focus include state formation, nationalism, revolutionism, economic development and secularization, with a special emphasis on religion and politics. You can find out more about Philip’s work on Yale’s Sociology department website. In this episode, we discuss his publication, American Babylon: Christianity Before and After Trump. Catch us on the Twitter handle @DTRRHpodcast for updates.
Feb 14, 2022
49 min
Play, Fitness & Ageing ft. Jason Pagaduan
Jason Pagaduan is a PhD candidate at the Department of Sociology at the University of Toronto. His research interests include race and ageing. In this episode, we discuss his dissertation topic Mall Walking: Community, Pleasure, and Self-Preservation Among Racialized Older Adults. Catch us on the Twitter handle @DTRRHpodcast for updates.
Jan 30, 2022
46 min
Interclass Downward Mobility ft. Jessi Streib
Jessi Streib is an assistant professor of sociology at Duke University. Her research looks at the experiences, reproduction, and alleviation of social class, all of which are a common thread throughout her publications. You can find out more about Jessi’s work on her website. In this episode, we discuss her publication, Privilege Lost: Who Leaves the Upper Middle Class and How They Fall. Catch us on the Twitter handle @DTRRHpodcast for updates.
Jan 23, 2022
42 min
Creativity, Cognition and Music ft. Taylor Price
Taylor Price is a PhD candidate at the University of Toronto’s department of sociology. His key areas of expertise include cultural sociology, sociological theory, quantitative research methods. You can find out more about Taylor's work on his website. In this episode, we discuss his PhD dissertation which looks at changes in the music production process with time, the role of technology, and what easier and widespread access to music has done for musicians and listeners.  Catch us on the Twitter handle @DTRRHpodcast for updates.
Jan 17, 2022
42 min
Status Hierarchies ft. Fabien Accominotti
Fabien Accominotti is an assistant professor of Sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His research broadly lies at the intersections of cultural and economic sociology and stratification. You can find out more about Fabien on his UW-Madison Department of Sociology profile or on his personal website. In this episode, we discuss his co-authored publication The Architecture of Status Hierarchies: Variations in Structure and Why They Matter for Inequality. Catch us on the Twitter handle @DTRRHpodcast for updates.
Jan 9, 2022
46 min
Siblings and Educational Advantage ft. Christian Smith
Christian Smith is a postdoctoral scholar in sociology at the University of California Merced and holds a PhD in the same from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His areas of research interest include inequality, mobility, and the sociology of education. You can find out more about Christian on his website or on his UWisconsin-Madison profile. In this episode, we discuss his paper, In the Footsteps of Siblings: College Attendance Disparities and the Intragenerational Transmission of Educational Advantage. Catch us on the Twitter handle @DTRRHpodcast for updates.
Jan 3, 2022
51 min
Pune's Smart City Mission ft. Poonam Gandhi
Poonam Gandhi is a sociologist and professor at FLAME University’s Department of Sociology. Her areas of research interest include art and culture, gender and human relations. You can find out more about Poonam on FLAME University's faculty page. In this episode, we discuss her co-authored publication Museums and Heritage Sites — The Missing Link in Smart City Planning: A Case Study of Pune City, India. Catch us on the Twitter handle @DTRRHpodcast for updates.
Dec 28, 2021
51 min
Chinatown ft. Min Zhou
Min Zhou is a distinguished professor of Sociology and Asian-American studies at UCLA. She also holds positions of the Walter & Shirley Wang Endowed Chair in US-China Relations & Communications and Director of the Asia-Pacific Centre at the university. Her areas of research interest include Asia and Asia-America, migration and development (particularly Chinese diasporas) and urban sociology. You can head over to Min’s website or her UCLA faculty profile page to know more. In this episode, we discuss her publication Chinatown: The Socioeconomic Potential of an Urban Enclave. Catch us on the Twitter handle @DTRRHpodcast for updates.
Dec 23, 2021
43 min
Jamaica's Diasporic Real Estate Market ft. James Braun
James Braun is an economic sociologist and lecturer at the University of Toronto’s Department of Sociology. His areas of research interest include financialization, the sociology of markets and diaspora-making. You can find his publications on his page or catch him on the Twitter handle @jbrauneconsoc. In this episode, we discuss his PhD thesis Local Culture and the Problem of Coordination: The Case of Jamaica’s Diasporic Real Estate Market. Catch us on the Twitter handle @DTRRHpodcast for updates.
Dec 19, 2021
56 min
Experts and Expertise ft. Gil Eyal
Gil Eyal is an author and professor of sociology affiliated with Columbia University. His broad research interests encompass sociological work around science, medicine, professions, knowledge and intellectuals, which he broadly calls ‘the sociology of expertise’. He has been awarded the Guggenheim Fellowship for Social Sciences (US & Canada). You can find out more about Gil on his Presidential Scholars in Society and Neuroscience Directory Page or his faculty profile on Columbia’s Sociology Department website. In this episode, we discuss his book The Crisis of Expertise. Catch us on the Twitter handle @DTRRHpodcast for updates.
Dec 15, 2021
54 min
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