Don't Tell Our Wives: Warm Beer, Cheap Comedy, and News
Don't Tell Our Wives: Warm Beer, Cheap Comedy, and News
Don't Tell Our Wives - Warm Beer & Cheap Comedy
Most expensive Uber?, iPhone locked for 25 million minutes, dream interpretation, hiding at your job. - Ep. 8 - Funny News Comedy
25 minutes Posted Apr 5, 2018 at 9:00 pm.
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In this Episode, Steve North finally comes to do his job...and was one of the original Delay Radio comedy creators. This episode was brought to be our own product? 'Delay Cold Symptoms'. Who knew that you could choose when you get sick...and you can imagine the 'burning devil' eyes and 'my face might explode' with a host of flavors! Get yours today...or tomorrow, you pick. Colds have feelings and they are to be respected.

We dive right into the funny news around taking an Uber. Doesn't sound funny to take a $12 ride to the airport? How about getting drunk in an Uber and waking up hundreds of miles away (apparently Jethrow doesn't know how to convert KM to miles)....and meanwhile, something in the background kicks on..we had no idea what it was. Turns out, it was a hot water heater. That said, back to the news..a drunk man tries to raise money to pay for an Uber ride that was significantly higher than what you'd think..we played the 'price is right' with the team to try to guess how much to pay it off (all 500 kilometers of it).

As it turns out, the man tried to raise money online to help pay for it, and perhaps maybe he time traveled. I guess we'll never know. After Steve North mentions time travel from an Uber ride, D talks about a woman in China whose kid locked her iPhone for DECADES. How many decades in 25,000,000 million minutes being locked out. Needless to say she just got a new phone, but it is still funny...hang up the phone. Jethrow explains Steve North to what a 'Yahoo! Answer' is, and finds a gem of an online question that hasn't been answered by the Internet. We decided to answer it for him - long story short, the person is trying to build a website for equality and we tried to come up with catchy phrases. We were at a loss for words...we honestly wanted to be honestly about how to do it right. We just can't. Except for Jethrow, who came prepared with one. Sorry everyone, D can't think of anything except for snacks right now.

Going into more questions, Jethrow wanted to interpret dreams...and boy did he find an interesting one that ended with a trip to Cambodia and pregnancy. What does this mean? We think it has to do with counterfeit alcohol (Google it.) and meeting people at airports. Somehow this can happen over a couple of months. Are dreams premonitions? We took that to nowhere where we can explain, you just have to listen to it. After going who knows where, Jethrow tries to help us rope it in with a story about his job. It's a secret job, and that's okay. He's a 'fill-in' that went into work to cover on his job...and there was nothing to do. He has a close encounter with some coworkers that don't know that he works there - what is he supposed to do? Did they not want him to do it. Long story short..he did an 8 hour job in 4...and was told to hide out at his job. Have you ever been told to hide out? If so, just grab a clipboard. And it isn't official unless you have a clipboard.