Don't Tell Our Wives: Warm Beer, Cheap Comedy, and News
Don't Tell Our Wives: Warm Beer, Cheap Comedy, and News
Don't Tell Our Wives - Warm Beer & Cheap Comedy
Brain surgery, Wish app, Darth Vader helmets, beer foam - Ep. 4 - Funny News Comedy
33 minutes Posted Mar 8, 2018 at 9:00 pm.
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We have to long does it take you to realize that you've been shot in the head? A woman had a headache....well, for awhile...and the boyfriend is going up against assault charges..and a host of what seems to be lesser charges than "attempted murder". She didn't remember being shot.....what?

After we discuss the incident involving the brain of woman, we go on to discussing two brains. Two men go into brain surgery in really needed it, the other didn't need it at all. In fact, he was only there what seemed to be a slight headache. What was wrong with them and how did it happen? We hope that their bills are covered...but we're not going to lose our heads over it.

Have you ever shopped using the Wish app? If you have, there is a lot of weird stuff on there, and what is even worse is the ads you get on Facebook. Ever get an ad for a CNC machine, camera pen, light bulb connectors, and sex toys all-in-one? Honch shows us his Facebook ad from the Wish app, and everything they have to offer, which according to Honch, a lot goes into your butt, such as the Black Mamba (which is a constrictor by the way). D gives you a snapshop of the ads he gets..and they aren't all that different.

Once we're done talking about of the weird stuff you find while shopping the Wish app, have you ever just wondered how many beads they clean up during Mardi Gras? We know the number, and it is a ton (actually a lot of tons). Once we ponder the amount of garbage that comes from Mardis Gras, we go right into 'would you rather'. As the episode comes to an end, we were forced to talk about our moms, and pondered what would happen if we ever wronged the Hell's Angels. But it didn't stop there...what if we had to eat the skin on a coffee cup that was left out?