Dolphin And Whale Messages Podcast

Dolphin And Whale Messages

Bonnie, Dolphin Ambassador,
The podcast that connects to heart of dolphins, whales, animal ambassadors and nature. We invite you and your animal friends on this journey as Bonnie, Dolphin Ambassador, takes you on a journey with animal balancing in sanctuaries and rescue and rehabilitation centers, cetacean light language channel, travel adventures, media production consultant info, consciousness, meditation, solution energy, and partnering with animals on projects and programs.
Onyx, Black Leopard Panther Activates Your Soul Identity within You
Onyx will speak on return to truth of who you are that is within your soul identity by releasing energy that no longer serves you. Onyx does his Light Language Codes to assist your soul awakening process. All is done with ease and grace within Divine timing. Amazing time to be here on the earth. Step into what you wish to create now. Blessings
Jun 2, 2021
11 min
Common Dolphins Message of Love
The Common Dolphins take you on journey within to feel your sacred heart, wisdom, and higher dimensions. In the vibration of love, you can overcome fear and see your choices in situations. Your passion expresses the love essence of you. Be the love that you already are.
May 30, 2021
11 min
Owen, Pacific Gray Whale, Activates with Light Language Your Gifts and Talents And Cecilia Pacific Gray Whale, Speaks on our Pod The Cetaceans
Cecilia, Pacific Gray Whale, brings her friend, Owen, old soul gray whale, onto the podcast and speaks on The Cetacean Pod. She lets us know who's in our pod, The Cetaceans, so you can work with them. Owen does his gray whale Light Language to assist you in activating your gifts and talents within you. He also suggests for you to claim I AM Presence in New Earth!
Apr 12, 2021
29 min
Learn How to Discern Your Own Truth with Dolphin Star Nation and White Whale Council Light
Connect into your intuition (knowing) to receive your own truth on the information you receive. Let the information process before you decide this is your truth. Light Language is included in this podcast.
Mar 8, 2021
19 min
Alfred, Bottlenose Dolphin, Returning to Your Internal Power - Part 2 of 2
Return to your power with balancing your energy fields, and chakras with infinity symbol (8) as dolphins, whales, Archangel Michael, and Archangel Gabriel do. Experience Bottlenose Dolphins Light Language to assist you in relaxing into your soul experience, so you can access your heart centered wisdom.
Dec 29, 2020
12 min
Archangel Michael, Returning to Your Internal Power Part 1 of 2
You will learn to return to your power by using your own energetic sword made of Divine Light and Love within your energy field. Archangel Michael has added his gift of blue truth flame to your sword of Divine Light that can assist with truth, removing fear based energy, and standing in your inner power (Heart).
Dec 28, 2020
15 min
Alena, Offshore Bottlenose Dolphin Leader, Teaches You To Reset Your Nervous System
You will learn to reset your nervous system just as the dolphins and whales do in the ocean. It can assist with relaxing, centering, and awareness. When we are calm within our hearts, we can hear our own Divine Guidance, Alena, and Archangel Michael, Angel of Courage. The Dolphin Light Language can assist you in relaxing into your higher-self and soul experience, so you can access your wisdom for your path. You can use Dolphin Light Language daily.
Nov 18, 2020
17 min
Begin to Build Your Internal Power with Henry, Fin Whale,
You will learn to build your internal power with relationships and career. Right now, you're in the process of awakening your internal power with assistance from Mother Earth. Henry does his Fin Whale Light Language to lighten things up. He mentions Sophie, cat, mantra "you're me and I am you". You can connect with Henry, Fin Whale, by checking out his picture on the website. Join our Pod email list, so you can learn about upcoming events and courses. Blessings.
Oct 1, 2020
25 min
Tiger, Malay, Being and Staying in your Internal Power
Being in your internal power is your soul expression of who you are, along with love and compassion. We will work with you on staying in your internal power, so you feel good. You came here to be in joy, love, and bliss. Enjoy the Tiger light language. Blessings.
Aug 3, 2020
28 min
Part 3 of 3 Archangel Gaia, Stay within 5th Dimension Consciousness Timeline
Part 3 of 3 episodes that start with Dolphin Star Nation, Part 2 Mother Mary, and Part 3 the last episode of the series with Archangel Gaia as they take you into 5D Consciousness for you to play and create what you need now in your heart. Blessings.
Jun 15, 2020
11 min
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