Doctor Who: Radio Free Skaro
Doctor Who: Radio Free Skaro
The Three Who Rule
Radio Free Skaro #323 - The Mark of The Gatiss
1 hour 8 minutes Posted Aug 12, 2012 at 10:26 am.
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Show notes

The summer time-wasting series winds down a bit with what's likely to be the final miniscope for a time. With New! Doctor! Who! on the horizon, The Three Who Rule look at the NuWho writing efforts of stalwart scribe Mark Gatiss, whose contributions to Doctor Who date back a couple decades. Gatiss has authored New Adventures, starred in fan videos, written for Big Finish, done Confidential voiceover work and so much more - not to mention penning a 50th anniversary special about the origins of our favourite show; it's no hyperbole to say he was a natural to write for modern Who. Then again, it unfortunately means we talk about Victory of the Daleks. News of the week, including ICONIC casting banter, rounds out another of these things we call Radio Free Skaro. And stay tuned for our plans for the podcast's sixth anniversary! Oh, wait. We have none. Carry on.

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