Episode 63: Affectionados
1 hour 50 minutes Posted Mar 2, 2015 at 3:45 pm.
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Jeff and Christian welcome the Creative Director of Halo 5, Tim Longo of 343 Industries to the show this week to discuss Unreal Engine going free to use, Valve Vive VR announcement, Fable Legends going free-to-play, WoW adding a new gold for playtime economy, and more!

In the Playlist, Tim wants to get into Heroes of the Storm, but Jeff is a jerk, Christian loves the whimsy of Kirby's Rainbow Curse, Tim extols the virtues of Never Alone, and Jeff feels like Hand of Fate is made just for him.

For Tabletop Time, Tim played Call of Cthulhu the card game, Christian play Monopoly... yuck, and Jeff played Scoville.

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