DJ Russ Rich presents House of Riches Podcast
DJ Russ Rich presents House of Riches
DJ Russ Rich
DJ Russ Rich presents House of Riches
DJ Russ Rich
Please "LIKE" my Facebook page to keep up to date with gigs and mixes: Francisco-based DJ Russ Rich brings you the best in vocal, progressive and tribal house music!Russ is one of San Francisco's busiest DJs, spinning regularly for parties like "Gus Presents Colossus," EPIC, Industry, ORGY, Poppers, and Bounce! In the past several years, he has spun opening sets for everyone from Hector Fonseca, Joe Gauthreaux, Freemasons and Dave Aude! Later this year, he will headline PLAY T-Dance's Halloween party. For booking information, please email [email protected]. Enjoy the music!
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
± 306 days
Latest episode
2 years ago
June 16, 2023
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