Divorce in Progress Podcast

Divorce in Progress

Divorce in Progress
Your weekly dose of: Terrible dating advice, Celebrity gossip, Screwed up stories, Marriage survival skills, and General BS
Divorce in Progress - Episode 8 - My Dealing Past
In this episode, Remi accuses Callum of cheating, we pick a part Ed Sheeran's baby daughter's name and the meaning behind it, and discuss our childhood empires (stealing and dealing).  Music - PYC - Promise Me
Sep 4, 2020
46 min
Divorce in Progress - Episode 7 - Our Cheating Past
Yet another FMK. We attempt the WAP (Wet Ass P***y) dance, discuss our cheating past, finally talk to the one and only Ellen Degeneres live on air, and introduce our new relationship advice segment. Music - PYC - Promise Me
Aug 29, 2020
45 min
Divorce in Progress - Episode 6 - Aldi's Crime Syndicate
We discuss giving up our thoughts or browser history, call BS on hear huge songs for the first time, talk on the art of arguing in a relationship and Callum picks up in front of his wife Music - PYC - Promise Me
Aug 21, 2020
58 min