Destiny The Show | DTS
Destiny The Show | DTS
Destiny The Show
#152 Scorpio & Arcstrider at E3, Clan Features, & Platforms | Destiny The Show
25 minutes Posted Jun 6, 2017 at 8:05 am.
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This week we discuss Destiny 2 at E3 2017, the arcstrider subclass will be shown off for the first time at E3 and player will get to capture PC gameplay of Destiny 2.With the big Scorpio reveal now just a week away how will Destiny 2 play on Xbox Scorpio? We’ll speculate about possible reveal trailers we may see at E3, and we’ll hopefully see more specifics about Destiny 2 like how many campaign missions, strikes, pvp maps, how many modes, and any new progression systems. We’ll close the show discussing clan features we’d like to see implemented in Destiny 2 to make managing clans a more realistic task. Thanks for listening!