In Nehemiah 11 the leaders of God's people choose to stay in Jerusalem not because it was a nice city with clean neighborhoods or great amenities. It actually wasn't. They stayed because they believed in what God was building there, and their choice to stay was a choice to build. The rest of the people of God came together for a key shift that also needed to happen. A literal tithe of the people, 10 %, were chosen to relocate to the city, and others above and beyond that volunteered. Everyone had a role to play in building the Holy City. As the people of God today, there is a challenge for us to take up the call to partner in what God is building. It's not just leaders with official titles, not only a select few, but all of us. Let's take our place in building and becoming the City of God, the radiant church of Jesus Christ.
Jan 16, 2024
37 min

Building a culture that honors God and His Word takes time, but it's not an unrealistic, mysterious, or illusive dream. There are tangible shifts we can make in our lives, both individually and together as God's people, that help us align our real-life, day-to-day culture with God's word, character, and way of building. In Nehemiah 10, we see three specific shifts we are called to make as a people of faith: Giving faith precedence over our feelings, over our schedules and calendars, and over our finances. The declaration of God's people together, "We will not neglect the house of our God," is rightly heard as a challenge to us today, a call to renew our commitment to God's presence, God's people, and God's work through us.
Jan 9, 2024
38 min

Herod wants him dead, so Joseph and Mary must flee with Jesus to Egypt. After his birth and subsequent dedication at the temple in Jerusalem, the first story we hear of Jesus' early life is one of an outsider. God is working a wonderful plan that will lead Jesus back into Israel and into the town of Nazareth. God is still preserving people who are outside the "system," preparing them in places like "Egypt" and "Nazareth." Can anything good come out of a place like Nazareth? That's what one of Jesus' own disciples said later when he found out where Jesus was from. God is using places like Nazareth to welcome His plan and purpose.
Jan 2, 2024
41 min

The Christmas story - the real Christmas story - is anything but a quiet, sanitary event. It's full of sight, sound, raw emotions, and all the smells of a 1st Century sheep town. From shepherds working the night shift where all heaven is breaking loose in the fields, to the Lamb of God lying in a manger, heaven's glory is stepping into the very real grit and grime of humanity. God has never been afraid to enter into our mess to bring heaven to earth. Note: In this week's podcast, most of the Scriptures (Luke 1:26-38; 2:1-20; Matthew 1:18-25) were read prior to the message as a part of the Christmas Eve service at Destination Church.
Dec 27, 2023
30 min

John's gospel introduces Jesus as the one and only Son of God, the unique glory of the Father. He's not just a son of God being born into the world, but the Son, and there is none like Him. Full of grace and truth, He is the embodiment of the Father's character, and the truth of God's covenant faithfulness is revealed and fulfilled in Christ. Through Jesus, we are able to know God as He really is.
Dec 20, 2023
36 min

When Jesus took on human form it took a while for people to recognize Him as being God, and many never actually did. Today, it's as true as it was then that we need help recognizing and receiving God! Our fallen world still doesn't recognize it's maker, but it's only in recognizing and receiving Jesus that we become children of God. Since this has eternal implications, it's important that we know what it means to receive Jesus. It means to accept Jesus as who He truly is, to put our trust in Him, His character, and His promise. John writes in his gospel, "The word became flesh and dwelled among us." The powerful Creator of the universe was born into the world in vulnerability, interacting face to face with His creation, and giving astonishing dignity to humanity by becoming one of us. As we celebrate the incarnation of Jesus, we also recognize that those who believe are made one with Him, and can now be an extension of His love and care for our world, helping others recognize Jesus through His new creation at work in and through us.
Dec 12, 2023
36 min

In John's Gospel he doesn't start the story with Jesus' birth, but takes us back even farther: "In the beginning was the Word..." We are introduced to Jesus as this powerful Word, eons before His incarnation and even before creation itself. Before the beginning of time, Jesus was already there. He was with God, and, mysterious as it may seem, He also actually was God. In Jesus, the True Light of the world, is life, and darkness is dispelled before Him. Jesus, the very Word of creation, is even now releasing the "new creation" of His eternal life in and through us. Through Him, now we too are shining the light of His good news into our world.
Dec 5, 2023
39 min

"Confession is good for the soul," as they saying goes. In Nehemiah Chapter 9 we find all the Jewish people gathering together for a third time in the same month to pray and read scripture. Their gathering is marked by an openness toward God, this time with fasting rather than feasting, and grieving with one another over the sins of their people. They separate themselves from the worshipers of other gods, and worship their One True God with great honor and reverence, devoting significant time to confession, worship, prayer, and praise. Even now, in light of the New Covenant, investing significant time to confess, worship, pray, and praise the Lord our God together as His people is a healthy part of life together in Christ. The prayers in the second half of this recording give just a taste of how we can apply these disciplines today in our own church community.
Nov 29, 2023
45 min

We all are influencing someone, whether we realize it or not. As followers of Jesus, if we embrace this influence rather than run from it, then those who are looking to us will benefit. Wise influencers and leaders will also embrace being learners of God's Word. His Word breaks us out of our "normal" routines to refocus us on Christ, His provision, and His protection as we follow Him. In Nehemiah 8:13-18 we discover these truths in the context of the Festival of Shelters (Feast of Tabernacles), with much implication for us as an ends-of-the-earth, mobile people
Nov 21, 2023
39 min

God's culture is all about family, and of gathering that family together. The unity of the gathered church presents a beautiful image to the rest of the world. When the church gathers, we celebrate and enjoy one another, and we also intentionally gather to God's word, with time set aside to hear and understand what God is calling us to be and to do together. Ezra and Nehemiah gathered God's people on the Day of Atonement, and they realigned themselves to God's word. Like the Jewish people on that day, when we are reminded together of God's word and God's purpose, both genuine repentance and deep joy strengthen our hearts. Tears and celebration may both be appropriate, and there is room for both! Ultimately, we can be a rejoicing people as we understand God's word to us through Christ!
Nov 14, 2023
38 min
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