Hot topics, Name changes, and celebrity overdose. We discuss the untimely death of Aaron Carter and the role of social media. Digging deeper we discuss the impact social media can have on mental health disorders and addiction. What's the cost of trolling people's lives when they are in the midst of a high, or crisis and doing nothing?We all have a choice to do better, to be better, and to be more kind to others on social media. In the same way, an addict has a choice about whether or not to use it. Addiction rates are at epidemic levels for women especially and overdoses are killing people every day. Childhood trauma and the inability to develop coping skills usually lie at the bottom of all that. Join us as we go over that and more!We believe when you share openly with someone about your own struggles, you create a safe space that gives them permission to share openly and honestly also, and that’s the most powerful catalyst to change and connection. We believe healing is a journey, not a destination. If you’re struggling, know you are not alone, and this, too, will pass. We are changing the name of the show, and we need your help! Make sure to head over to the website and message us ideas for names or leave a voice message and we'll mention it in upcoming episodes. While you're there don't forget to subscribe to stay in the know of all the exciting new things we’ve got coming. www.rsvpmaybe.comDid this episode resonate with you? Share it with a friend, share it in a post, or leave a review. Thank you, thank you, thank you!XO, B & A
Nov 7, 2022
45 min

They're the breakups nobody talks about: adult friendships. In this episode, we explore the complicated feelings around friendship breakups, our personal experiences, and why they can be worse than romantic ones.We believe when you share openly with someone about your own struggles, you create a safe space that gives them permission to share openly and honestly also, and that’s the most powerful catalyst to change and connection. We believe healing is a journey, not a destination. If you’re struggling, know you are not alone, and this, too, will pass. Make sure to head over to the website and subscribe to stay in the know of all the exciting new things we’ve got coming! Did this episode resonate with you? Share it with a friend, share it in a post, or leave a review. Thank you, thank you, thank you!XO, B & A
Oct 31, 2022
38 min

Here is an additional episode because the drama surrounding T. Swift's latest video antihero has brought up some feelings for lots of women including us! When have we gone too far? When are artists going to be able to share their art with raw vulnerability again? Will they ever be able to share their emotions again without the impending backlash from social media and the faceless army of trolls who create campaigns to tear people down and hit cancel on their art, their careers, and their potential to create again? Whatever happened to having different experiences and being ok with that? Why do we have to have backlash over everything?If someone shares their innermost insecurities and demons do we then have the right to vilify them because they aren't fat enough? Sorry not sorry internet, we don't have the right to bully someone (celebrity or not) into submission. We all have feelings around our bodies and our own individual insecurities so when is that going to be enough? Why doesn't the conversation shift from shaming, blaming, and hating on someone to wow, you feel that way about your body too? Cancel culture is out and quite frankly we're sick of it. Join us in this raw unfiltered discussion about women's bodies and eating disorders. If you struggle with an eating disorder and need help please contact the national eating disorder helpline: (800) 931-2237 or nationaleatingdisorders.org If you are in crisis and need help immediately text NEDA to 741741. As mentioned in the show today check out disordered eating podcasts that have helped Brooke with her own issues around food and body image like Eat the rules with Summer Innanen. Sound off on social media and tell us what you guys think about the whole video situation. Want more? Head to https://www.podpage.com/rsvp-maybe/9 and see what resources we have available for download today! Enjoy your weekend XO, B & A As always our discussions are based on our own unique experiences and in no way meant to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any illnesses or disorders.
Oct 28, 2022
37 min

Plot twist! Another week, another internet-breaking picture: Selena Gomez and Hailey Bieber posing together at an event. After years of being pitted against each other and the center of nonstop internet drama, the two women posed together to try to end the feud rumors once and for all. As all good internet-breaking pictures do, this one got us thinking. So, we did what we do best, and we dive into it on this episode! We discuss how easy it is for women to get pitted against each other, we chat about frenemies, and the importance (and difficulty) of adult friendships.There is so much to discuss when it comes to the complexity of friendships in adulthood, so we decided to continue the conversation on our next episode, but this time we'll be diving into the breakups that no one really talks about: Friendship Breakups. That's gonna be another don't-miss episode, so make sure you subscribe to the show for updates!We believe when you share openly with someone about your own struggles, you create a safe space that gives them permission to share openly and honestly also, and that’s the most powerful catalyst to change and connection. We believe healing is a journey, not a destination. If you’re struggling, know you are not alone, and this, too, will pass. Make sure to head over to the website and subscribe to stay in the know of all the exciting new things we’ve got coming! www.rsvp maybe.comDid this episode resonate with you? Share it with a friend, share it in a post, or leave a review. Thank you, thank you, thank you!XO, B & A
Oct 24, 2022
34 min

Today's episode we discuss an article about an IG post from celebrity Bethany Frankel, the danger of filters and altering photos online, "Filtering is lying: It is deceptive. It makes women feel badly about themselves. It makes young girls insecure and obsessed with unattainable perfection. It makes middle-aged women and mothers feel insecure about themselves,". The discussion dives into the reality of social media today and how it affects us personally and our thoughts on the way it is affecting women all over the world. Frankel took bold action and used her platform to draw attention to something that need to be discussed more often. As if it's not enough pressure every day for us as women, mothers, wives, daughters, employees, and friends, we have the added pressure from daily social media images of friends, influencers, and celebrities alike, many of whom curate the perfect image of themselves and their "lives" with editing and filters to make us all feel like shit about ourselves and our reality. The issue is we can logically process and discuss that most people are filtered but it's become such common practice that when it's in front of us we cannot remind ourselves that it's a filtered image and that's where the problems begin. Our insecurity takes hold, and the false ideals we create of what we should look like are flat-out false and deceptive. We invite you to take inspired action with us and upload an unfiltered pic of yourself and tag us on IG https://www.instagram.com/annaking_19/https://www.instagram.com/brookecollinscoaching/https://www.instagram.com/rsvpmaybepodcast/tag all 3 accounts and use the hashtag #filterfree We believe when you share openly with someone about your own struggles you create a safe space that gives them permission to share openly and honestly also, and that’s the most powerful catalyst to change and connection. We believe healing is a journey, not a destination. If you’re struggling know you are not alone and this too will pass. Make sure to head over to the website and subscribe to stay in the know of all the exciting new things we’ve got coming! www.rsvp maybe.comDid this episode resonate with you? Share it with a friend, share it in a post, or leave a review. Thank you, thank you, thank you!XO, B & A
Oct 17, 2022
35 min

It’s world mental health day! today we talk mental health and random other topics sprinkled in. It’s time for us all to quit suffering in silence! Break through the barriers and openly discuss mental health. It will feel too much at first but slowly we can build a society that values emotional and mental health as much as it values our physical health. It’s time to break free from the barrier and stop suffering in silence. Together, we can change the way the world views mental health and create a society that values the emotional well-being of people the same way they value physical health. when you share openly with someone about your own struggles you create a safe space that gives them permission to share openly and honestly also, and that’s the most powerful catalyst to change and connection. We believe healing is a journey, not a destination. If you’re struggling know you are not alone and this too will pass. Make sure to head over to the website and subscribe to stay in the know of all the exciting new things we’ve got coming! www.rsvp maybe.comDid this episode resonate with you?Share it with a friend, share it in a post, or leave a review. Thank you, thank you, thank you!XO, B & A
Oct 10, 2022
42 min

Today's episode caught us up on Anna's ever-evolving dating life! After her experience with Expidating she finds herself back unhinged on the hinge app, except this time with more mindfulness about potential dates. The most important part of this for us is sharing experiences to help other women feel less alone and putting yourself out there is hard, but, it's worth it if you connect with the right people. Self-love and acceptance is a struggle most women face in their lifetimes and dating seem to really test how we feel about ourselves. It's important to focus on finding contentment in solitude and knowing the difference between needing to be with someone for fear of being alone and wanting to be with someone to add value and joy to your life. Next we hit women and ADHD as a topic and the undiagnosed statistics. Struggling with ADHD and not knowing it is in fact not depression or anxiety or hormones is important and so is making sure you are your own health advocate when talking to Drs. about the symptoms or struggles you face. You are not alone..Of course, we add our unique perspectives to these topics for a conversation that is eh pretty decent. If you enjoyed this week's episode don't forget to hit subscribe, share with someone who you think will like it, and leave a review! Every review helps the show! Don't forget to head to our website www.rsvpmaybe.com and subscribe to stay in the know! See you guys next week! XO, Brooke & AnnaW7SDPyhh6TI42yLc9bNdRSVP: MAYBE website
Oct 3, 2022
49 min

What do dating apps and Jeffrey Dahmer have in common? Well, nothing really, other than the fact that they're discussed here on this episode of RSVP: Maybe. Tune in for an unfiltered lighter episode that’ll make you laugh, or at least it made us laugh. We chat about dating apps, Anna's in-person dating event that she may or may not bail on (vote in the poll below!), serial killers, and Brooke lives her best life playing with the sound effects on our fancy new podcasting equipment. Sometimes breaking from the talk of healing and deep conversations is just what we all need! As promised, vote in the poll down below! https://eane03nprfh.typeform.com/to/HJgKcGIYAnd if you like our show, please rate and review, it would mean a lot to us!
Sep 26, 2022
51 min

"I'm doing the best I can with what I have at the moment, and that's enough."In today's episode, we discuss Little t trauma and big T traumas and how they continue to affect people throughout their lifetimes. There is so much information out there on childhood trauma and the emotional toll takes on your mental and physical health, almost too much information for us to research on it that it creates overload and overwhelm. We need to address what happened to us, and then we need to address how we dealt with what happened to us, followed by our coping skills, that's where the real journey to healing begins. Trauma itself means wound and it is just that an internal wound. We have to realize that for a lot of people trauma or the wound is what didn't happen to them that should have. We want to normalize all the feelings we feel and hold space for you all to express what you feel and navigate the journey together. Make sure you hit subscribe if you haven't already, it's the noncommittal way to stay up to date on future episodes and so much more! XO, Brooke & Anna
Sep 19, 2022
56 min

"The worst part about having a mental illness is that people expect you to behave as if you don't."In this week's episode, we dive into mental health and how the stigma surrounding it leads to silent suffering. We talk about how common it is for us to minimize our levels of pain and what we are going through in an effort to keep up the appearance of "normalcy" and "I'm fine."Nearly every human being struggles with mental health at some point in life, and for many, it's an ongoing, ever-present battle. Once we learn how to break the silence, we will finally see that we are all the same, we are all human, and we're not alone.
Sep 12, 2022
42 min
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