MEET DELIC is almost upon us! For our appreciation of listening to this podcast, use code RADIONAUT for 20% off General Admission. Head over to www.meetdelic.com to get your tickets! In this episode, you’ll hear two amazing and wise women share their experience with healing through ancestral and ancient methods, as well as modern approaches to psychedelic and new medicine. You’ll hear about: Plant medicine and the feminine approach to serving it The Ifa divination (practiced by the Yoruba people) and named masterpiece of humankind by UNESCO The search for our purpose and service in the world The entrepreneurial journey while healing ourselves Barbaras Autoimmune disease journey and organ transplant surgery The organs and their connection to our mental health Chinese Medicine & Chi-gong Building a healthy lifestyle Much more Named "The Corporate Shaman" by Forbes Magazine, Flor has over a decade of experience as one of the pioneering practitioners of the plant medicine world. Her empathetic, feminine approach to serving and integrating psychoactive medicines has made Flor one of the most sought-after psycho-spiritual entrepreneurs in the world. Today’s guest is Barbara Branaman, also known as my friend Barb. Barb is a powerhouse corporate executive, a master of yoga and medical Qigong, poster girl for organ transplant - she’s had two - & an important female mentor of mine. Barb has a keen way of staying grounded in the face of extreme stress. Reference: IFA Divination System: https://www.unesco.org/archives/multimedia/document-3742
Nov 1, 2021
59 min

MEET DELIC is almost upon us! For our appreciation of listening to this podcast, use code RADIONAUT for 20% off General Admission. Head over to www.meetdelic.com to get your tickets! Carl Hart, PhD is a professor of neuroscience and psychology at Columbia University. He is known for his research in drug abuse and drug addiction and he has a new book out, Drug Use for Grown-Ups: Chasing Liberty in the Land of Fear. You’re going to hear Dr. Hart talk live at Meet Delic 2021, but before that, we sat down with him to get a first-hand account of his ongoing thesis. That the greatest damage from drugs flows from their being illegal, and a hopeful reckoning with the possibility of their use as part of a responsible and happy life. Ben Westhoff is an award-winning investigative journalist who writes about culture, drugs, and poverty. His books are taught around the country and have been translated into languages all over the world. His new book Fentanyl, Inc.: How Rogue Chemists Are Creating the Deadliest Wave of the Opioid Epidemic is the highly-acclaimed, bombshell first book about fentanyl, which is causing the worst drug crisis in American history.
Oct 27, 2021
1 hr 1 min

MEET DELIC is almost upon us! For our appreciation of listening to this podcast, use code RADIONAUT for 20% off General Admission. Head over to www.meetdelic.com to get your tickets! This episode dives into the science of pain relief through ketamine treatments, anesthetics, nerve blocks, and other techniques with regenerative medicine specialist Dr. Matt Cook, and we get real and personal with Dr. David Rabin MD, PhD, a board-certified psychiatrist and Co-Founder, and Co-Inventor at Apollo Neuroscience about the power of touch for stress relief. We discuss: - Ketamine - Dosage Safety Windows - The dangers of fentanyl - Endometriosis - Regenerative medicine - Human touch for stress relief in times of crisis - Much more
Oct 22, 2021
1 hr 1 min

MEET DELIC is almost upon us! For our appreciation of listening to this podcast, use code RADIONAUT for 20% off General Admission. Head over to www.meetdelic.com to get your tickets! If you are curious about Ketamine treatment for depression and pain and how it could impact you and your loved ones, this episode is for you. We talk about all things Ketamine with two leading experts. You’ll hear: How it was discovered The benefits of Ketamine for depression, pain, and suicide reduction What the experience is like in a clinical setting The protocols that are being widely used Breakthrough results The neuroscience behind dissociatives Much more About our experts: Mike Zappy Zaplin is an entrepreneur, a psychedelic advocate, and a filmmaker. Zappy has been featured in Playboy, The New York Times, Wall Street Journal and more. Dr. David Feifel is one of the foremost experts in ketamine therapy in the world. References: App that can diagnose COVID-9
Oct 20, 2021
1 hr 7 min

This is the first Clubhouse for DELIC. Thanks to our friend's Dave Rabin and Molly Maloof who invited DELIC into their Psychedelic Clubhouse on the Clubhouse app. We talk to Dave, Molly and "sex-pert" Nicolle Hodges. Enjoy the show! Come to our Bicycle Day Celebration. A tribute to LSD! This Monday, April 19, 4:20 pm PST. COME ON! Brought to you by Meet DELIC: The Psychedelic Wellness Summit, this November. Visit MeetDelic.com for more!
Apr 16, 2021
1 hr 45 min

Jackee chatted it up with her gal pals, Barb Brenaman and Flor Bollini. Topics discussed: ketamine therapy, psychedelic culture, female leadership, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness... Visit us on Clubhouse for Bicycle Day - May 19th at 4:20pm PST. JOIN US! Brought to you by Meet DELIC 2021: The Psychedelic Wellness Summit, visit > MeetDelic.com!
Apr 16, 2021
1 hr 53 min

Today’s guest is Barbara Branaman, also known as my friend Barb. Barb is a powerhouse corporate executive, a master of yoga and medical Qigong, poster girl for organ transplant - she’s had two - & an important female mentor of mine. Barb has a keen way of staying grounded in the face of extreme stress. And she is a straight A student of offering kick ass answers to hard questions. We affectionately refer to her as baby Yoda. Make sure to keep an ear out for our next episode with Barb: all about ketamine therapy. Thanks for listening to Delic Radio and for telling a friend. This episode is brought to you by RealitySandwich.com. Hosting 5,000+ pieces of psychedelic content. Just for you! Show mentions: Y'all I know self-help types of content can feel salsey at times, but I have seen actual and practical results with Joe Despenza's work. And don't you want to help yourself, after all? Here's a dope meditation from him: HERE.
Feb 12, 2021
1 hr 22 min

Mike Zappy Zaplin is an entrepreneur, a psychedelic advocate, and a filmmaker. Zappy has been featured in Playboy, The New York Times, Wall Street Journal and more. He is a gregarious fella. With good intentions, like many of us, to demystify the conversation around psychedelics. Zappy Co-Founded with Warren Gumpel the “Ketamine Fund” a nonprofit (501c3) dedicated to dramatically reducing suicide rates in society by providing free ketamine treatments to anyone having suicidal ideations. You can hear even more from Zappy on our free Meet Delic Live events. Head over to MeetDelic.com to access those. This episode was brought to you by RealitySandwich.com. Your psychedelic library with over 5,000 pieces of content. Knowladge is power, have a bite!
Feb 8, 2021
56 min

Named "The Corporate Shaman" by Forbes Magazine, Flor has over a decade of experience as one of the pioneering practitioners of the plant medicine world. Her empathetic, feminine approach to serving and integrating psychoactive medicines has made Flor one of the most sought after psycho-spiritual entrepreneurs in the world. Thanks for listening to Delic Radio and for telling a friend. This episode is brought to you by RealitySandwich.com. With 5,000+ pieces of psychedelic content; lunch is served. Check out Flor's work at NanaHeals.com.
Feb 1, 2021
1 hr 3 min

Carl Hart, PhD is a professor of neuroscience and psychology at Columbia University. He is known for his research in drug abuse and drug addiction and he has a new book out, Drug Use for Grown-Ups: Chasing Liberty in the Land of Fear. You’re going to hear Dr. Hart talk live at Meet Delic 2021, but before that we sat down with him to get a first hand account of his ongoing thesis. That the greatest damage from drugs flows from their being illegal, and a hopeful reckoning with the possibility of their use as part of a responsible and happy life. We offer our full support behind Hart and his willingness to study, discuss, and promote pragmatic ideas about what is most certainly a controversial topic in America today, The failed War on Drugs and the consequences that it has left in its wake. Thanks for listening to Delic Radio and for telling a friend. This episode is brought to you by Reality Sandwich. Serving up psychedelic culture one bite at a time. Visit the community often at RealitySandwich.com. One love
Jan 20, 2021
39 min
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