Episode 37: Ni Hao from Taiwan!
In a very special episode, Royce and Aaron sit down with Smoox Chen, the Manager of Taiwan Boardgame Design. We discuss the Taiwanese game market, manufacturing and designing in Taiwan, and much much more.
Quick Thoughts are all about two Taiwanese games, YinYang and T-Rex's Holiday.
In New to the Collection we have Indus 2500 BCE and Meadow
The News explores the complicated business dealings between Asmodee, Plan B and Sofie Gravel.
Finally we get hungry and look at our TOP 3 Chinese Food!
Plus a special announcement and contest! If you complete both of these surveys you will automatically entered to win a $50! gift card!
Definitely A Board Game Podcast Feedback
Definitely A Board Game Podcast Feedback Part 2
You're not going to want to miss this one.