Dee Bonney - Ignite Your Marriage Podcast
Dee Bonney - Ignite Your Marriage
Dee Bonney
4 Holiday Survival Hacks - episode of Dee Bonney - Ignite Your Marriage podcast

4 Holiday Survival Hacks

17 minutes Posted Nov 20, 2020 at 2:00 pm.
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The holidays are approaching, and they aren’t just any holidays. They’re 2020 holidays. What could we possibly be in store for???

The idea of holidays is great, but as they approach and the conversations become real, people around us start getting testy, we can find ourselves filled with angst over the upcoming plans. It’s easy to not be the best version of us.

Here are 4 streetwise adjustments you can make to improve your enjoyment of the upcoming festivities. 

1. Remove the special emphasis.

Holidays are too frail for the special status we assign them. When we put demands on a day to come off perfectly, our edges become frayed when that doesn’t happen.

2. Recalibrate your expectations. 

We go into this season anticipating our lives to look like a well-directed, tender-hearted Hallmark movie. You know it’s going to be more of a South Park marathon. Expect less of your family and friends during this time and you’re less likely to suffer disappointment.

3. Remember: your value is independent of others’ opinions.

An anonymous author said, “Your value does not decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth.” Stop defining yourself based on the grumblings of unsupportive family members.

4. Enjoy the insanity. Once you’ve done 1-3 above, just let the rest go. Appreciate everyone’s perfect imperfections and love them as they are.