Dee Bonney - Ignite Your Marriage Podcast
Dee Bonney - Ignite Your Marriage
Dee Bonney
Your Vote Doesn't Count. Here's What to Do! - episode of Dee Bonney - Ignite Your Marriage podcast

Your Vote Doesn't Count. Here's What to Do!

16 minutes Posted Nov 3, 2020 at 4:00 pm.
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Here’s a little secret. Your vote in this election doesn’t count. 

The person who occupies the White House for the next 4 years is not going to significantly change your relationship your spouse, how you interact with your children, or where you go vocationally. The choices you make in how you transform your relationships will have significantly more impact on your life over the next four years than the ballot you cast. 

We need to figure out how to make these decisions on firm footing, however. For Megan and me, we found that when we looked to the user manual God gave us (the Bible) for how we should conduct our lives, we found healing from our previous poor decisions and marriage transformation.

We found that when we surrendered to God, three things started to happen. 

1. My deficiencies became less significant. Rather than being riddled with shame and guilt, I found grace and peace.

2. I learned to love the right way. As I realized that I’m a broken person, I was able to begin loving others, including my wife, with more grace and acceptance.

3. I began to see truth. Even if someone is not a believer in God, the principles set forth by Jesus for how we should treat one another are universal. These truths are now our guide for how to navigate life, and that reduces the importance of each of our opinions.