Deb's "Here Goes Life!" Podcast

Deb's "Here Goes Life!"

Deborah Davis
Life lessons, quotes, thoughts and more. My personal journey, perspective & thoughts on this great thing called LIFE. And to offer them to help you through yours as well. Please comment at: [email protected], Instagram @heregoeslife7 or here above in a message. Love to hear from you!! "Here goes Life!"
"When we Give...We Receive"
I talk about what its mean to give and how doing so you get returns unimaginable.
Jan 12, 2020
6 min
"Here Goes Life!"
An introduction to the podcast subject of Life Lessons. From the personal perspective of Deb D. To share in hopes to encourage and offer Hope and belief that we ALL have value in this World. Just being ourselves.
Jan 5, 2020
59 sec