What are you holding on to that you know that you should get rid of? Maybe you are holding on to old habits, things and stuff, or maybe it is a toxic situation. Whatever it is, we are going to be talking about how we can let go and free ourselves to embrace what is coming.
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May 3, 2021
23 min

Is anxiety holding you back? Today we encourage you to get clear on what you anticipate might happen and develop a strategy to overcome the roadblock of anxiety that is holding you back.
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***DISCLAIMER: Please be advised that this podcast is meant for educational and informational purposes only and is in no way a replacement for legal or medical advice. The opinions contained within are solely those of the host and any interviewees that might appear as guests on the show; and should be received as so. Those seeking help or advice are encouraged to obtain professional legal and/or medical services from the appropriate source.
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Apr 19, 2021
16 min

Excuses, excuses, excuses. We all have them. The trick is to become skillful in overcoming the limitations of excuses so that we can accomplish our goals and dreams. So many people get paralyzed by excuses and find themselves later in life, living with regret for not having even started something that they longed to do. Don't let that be you.
In this episode we are going to pull on your inner strengths and determination and overcome the barriers of excuse making. We have to do this in order to learn and grow.
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***DISCLAIMER: Please be advised that this podcast is meant for educational and informational purposes only and is in no way a replacement for legal or medical advice. The opinions contained within are solely those of the host and any interviewees that might appear as guests on the show; and should be received as so. Those seeking help or advice are encouraged to obtain professional legal and/or medical services from the appropriate source.
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Apr 5, 2021
17 min

Are you ready to start designing the life you want to live post-pandemic? Let's face it; things are going to be different but in some respects the same. Our lives have taken and unexpected turn with all of the changes both good and bad. Now is the time to start re-evaluating how we want to interact in the newness of what is next. The good news is that we can plan for what happiness might look like to us. Are you ready for more growth and development?
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***DISCLAIMER: Please be advised that this podcast is meant for educational and informational purposes only and is in no way a replacement for legal or medical advice. The opinions contained within are solely those of the host and any interviewees that might appear as guests on the show; and should be received as so. Those seeking help or advice are encouraged to obtain professional legal and/or medical services from the appropriate source.
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Mar 29, 2021
32 min

Dawn speaks to the single parents about mindset in this episode of encouragement. Mindsets can be growth oriented or limited. One mindset creates freedom, the other can be limiting if applied negatively or can help you focus if applied correctly. Learn how mindset can help you as a single parent.
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***DISCLAIMER: Please be advised that this podcast is meant for educational and informational purposes only and is in no way a replacement for legal or medical advice. The opinions contained within are solely those of the host and any interviewees that might appear as guests on the show; and should be received as so. Those seeking help or advice are encouraged to obtain professional legal and/or medical services from the appropriate source.
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Mar 22, 2021
27 min

If you are a single parent, the empty nest experience may be even more difficult because you don't have a partner around who is going through the same thing. Take heart. Recent studies suggest that empty nest syndrome can lead to positive changes in your life once you get through the uncomfortable early stages.
Website https://www.DawnJonesSpeaks.com
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***DISCLAIMER: Please be advised that this podcast is meant for educational and informational purposes only and is in no way a replacement for legal or medical advice. The opinions contained within are solely those of the host and any interviewees that might appear as guests on the show; and should be received as so. Those seeking help or advice are encouraged to obtain professional legal and/or medical services from the appropriate source.
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Mar 8, 2021
18 min

One of my pet peeves is to hear people call themselves stupid when they make a mistake. So many people feel stupid for a variety of reasons but that doesn't necessarily mean that they are. If you feel that you are not as smart as the next person, please know that you are intelligent in something that the next person may not be. If you want to rapidly increase your intelligence quotient and get smart pretty quick, I have some ideas for you.
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***DISCLAIMER: Please be advised that this podcast is meant for educational and informational purposes only and is in no way a replacement for legal or medical advice. The opinions contained within are solely those of the host and any interviewees that might appear as guests on the show; and should be received as so. Those seeking help or advice are encouraged to obtain professional legal and/or medical services from the appropriate source.
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Mar 1, 2021
24 min

Happiness in one way or another is the focus of every living creature. We all want to be happy. However, is happiness worth pursuing? It depends on who you ask. Some would argue that you should cannot achieve happiness by pursuing it directly. In today's episode we explore the definitions of happiness and outline some ways to become a happier person.
We also introduce a completely new Q & A section where we answer questions from our online audience on virtually any self-development topic. This week we answer a question from an anonymous viewer: "What are some useful tips for students starting their first semester in College?" I answer this question from the perspective of a non-traditional student/Adult Learner.
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***DISCLAIMER: Please be advised that this podcast is meant for educational and informational purposes only and is in no way a replacement for legal or medical advice. The opinions contained within are solely those of the host and any interviewees that might appear as guests on the show; and should be received as so. Those seeking help or advice are encouraged to obtain professional legal and/or medical services from the appropriate source.
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Feb 22, 2021
15 min

None of us are a stranger to conflict. Conflict is a part of life. Yet few people seem to be skilled at conflict resolution. One need only turn on the news each day to see how people generally resolve conflict in non-productive ways. In this episode we will offer a variety of ways to not only minimize the amount of conflicts we expose ourselves to but also explore options that help us diffuse conflict once it gets started.
If you desire to learn more about these and other topics discussed in previous podcasts make sure to connect with us and become a member.
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***DISCLAIMER: Please be advised that this podcast is meant for educational and informational purposes only and is in no way a replacement for legal or medical advice. The opinions contained within are solely those of the host and any interviewees that might appear as guests on the show; and should be received as so. Those seeking help or advice are encouraged to obtain professional legal and/or medical services from the appropriate source.
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Feb 15, 2021
20 min

This week we explore the five love languages and talk about how we feel love. Every one of us has the need to feel loved and cared for. People need people for love and affection. Tune in this week and discover how you like to feel loved.
Please subscribe and share this podcast. For further information on this topic and other podcast topics be sure to connect with us on our website for additional content.
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***DISCLAIMER: Please be advised that this podcast is meant for educational and informational purposes only and is in no way a replacement for legal or medical advice. The opinions contained within are solely those of the host and any interviewees that might appear as guests on the show; and should be received as so. Those seeking help or advice are encouraged to obtain professional legal and/or medical services from the appropriate source.
This episode is sponsored by
· Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app
Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dawnjonesspeaks/message
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Feb 8, 2021
10 min
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