Dance Boss Podcast Podcast

Dance Boss Podcast

Erin Pride
Welcome to the Dance Boss Podcast! I'm your host, Erin Pompa. This podcast is for my fellow dance entrepreneurs who are on a mission to share their dance expertise in the online space. You want to impact people across the globe, and you want to impact them in a BIG way! Oh and let’s not forget you want your pockets to reflect that too! Can I get a Heck Yes?! You are tired of playing small and are ready to show up, do the work, and share your message. Each week I help you do just that! Sharing perspectives and strategies that will help dance specialists create 5k months with a signature virtual group training program. I will also share interviews with dance entrepreneurs who are crushing it in the online space, with out-of-the-box ways they serve the dance community, giving you the nudge you need to think bigger, do the work, and most importantly KEEP GOING!
How to Bring Dance to Schools and Change the "Dance Demographic" with Ella Rosewood
Being a dance teacher or studio owner, you want to do everything and be everything for your students. You find yourself taking workshops and courses to learn as much as you can, so you can bring it all to them. But many times it feels like you’re “pretending to teach” instead of actually teaching. Well… I have a solution for you! Ella Rosewood is the creator of Crelata, “fun and sequential on-demand dance classes for kids, designed by dance education experts.” And in episode #220 of the Dance Boss Podcast, we sit down to dissect her business. We talk about her early journey, the steps she took to bring her business to life, and how we can bring dance into the classroom more.   Click here for show notes    Did you see Apolla Performance get a deal on Shark Tank? It was so exciting to see our dance community represented and spotlighted on National TV. Check out their shocks now! IG/FB @Apollaperfomance   Are you a dance professional that currently offers your services 1:1, through workshops or consulting? Do you desire to gain time and freedom, create scalability, and hit 4-figure months? Inside of DancePreneur Academy, I teach you how to do this by turning your 1:1, consulting/workshops into a curriculum-driven group program. Wanna learn more? Schedule a call and let's chat. -
Dec 22, 2022
41 min
The Power of Networking and Asking for Help with Sarah Haslock-Johnson
Every dancer is different. Every dancer’s needs are different. A great way to find out what your specific body needs, is through genetic testing. And for dancers and athletes, DanceRX is bridging that gap between science and dance. DanceRX is “a health and wellness resource to enable and support the advancement of the dancer’s education through a personalized experience,” and today I get to sit down with the woman behind the idea, Sarah Haslock-Johnson. In episode #219 of the Dance Boss Podcast, Sarah and I dive deep into the journey she took from idea to actualization. We also talk about the power of networking, challenges Sarah faces in business, some 5-year goals for DanceRX, and much more.   Click here for show notes    Did you see Apolla Performance get a deal on Shark Tank? It was so exciting to see our dance community represented and spotlighted on National TV. Check out their shocks now! IG/FB @Apollaperfomance   Are you a dance professional that currently offers your services 1:1, through workshops or consulting? Do you desire to gain time and freedom, create scalability, and hit 4-figure months? Inside of DancePreneur Academy, I teach you how to do this by turning your 1:1, consulting/workshops into a curriculum-driven group program. Wanna learn more? Schedule a call and let's chat. -
Dec 15, 2022
32 min
Being a Leader and Working with What You Have Now with Natalie Orr
The world needs more dance bosses, and that all comes down to being a leader. Being a leader in your classroom or studio, in your online dance business, and in your personal life. We need more dance bosses to bring more people into dance. To remind us that dance is not just for performance, but also just for the sake of dancing. In episode #218 of the Dance Boss Podcast, I sit down with Natalie Orr, dance teacher and coach for dancers. We talk about what it means to be a leader, the importance of curiosity and exploration, what a coach really does, and so much more.  I also challenge you to think about what you need to give yourself permission to do. And DM me and Natalie on Instagram @erin.pompa and @nataliedanza to let us know!   Click here for show notes    Did you see Apolla Performance get a deal on Shark Tank? It was so exciting to see our dance community represented and spotlighted on National TV. Check out their shocks now! IG/FB @Apollaperfomance   Are you a dance professional that currently offers your services 1:1, through workshops or consulting? Do you desire to gain time and freedom, create scalability, and hit 4-figure months? Inside of DancePreneur Academy, I teach you how to do this by turning your 1:1, consulting/workshops into a curriculum-driven group program. Wanna learn more? Schedule a call and let's chat. -
Dec 8, 2022
42 min
Creating Policies for Your Dance Classes/Studio, Part 2
Do you feel like you’re always putting out fires in your dance business? You’re always finding issues and creating solutions. And you’re missing out on valuable teaching/coaching time. If this is you, then it’s probably time to create some boundaries and policies that will actually work for you and your goals. In episode #217 of the Dance Boss Podcast, I dive into the what, why, and how of getting out of the “putting out fires” rut, and stepping into teaching classes from your zone of genius.   Click here for show notes    Did you see Apolla Performance get a deal on Shark Tank? It was so exciting to see our dance community represented and spotlighted on National TV. Check out their shocks now! IG/FB @Apollaperfomance   Are you a dance professional that currently offers your services 1:1, through workshops or consulting? Do you desire to gain time and freedom, create scalability, and hit 4-figure months? Inside of DancePreneur Academy, I teach you how to do this by turning your 1:1, consulting/workshops into a curriculum-driven group program. Wanna learn more? Schedule a call and let's chat. -
Dec 1, 2022
22 min
The 3 P's of Creating Policies for Your Dance Classes/Studio, Part 1
In life, we teach people how to treat us. From spouses to children to parents to friends to coworkers, the list is endless. And dance students and studio staff are no different.  In episode #216 of the Dance Boss Podcast, part 1 of a 3-part series, I dive into creating sustainable boundaries and policies for your dance business.     Click here for show notes    Did you see Apolla Performance get a deal on Shark Tank? It was so exciting to see our dance community represented and spotlighted on National TV. Check out their shocks now! IG/FB @Apollaperfomance   Are you a dance professional that currently offers your services 1:1, through workshops or consulting? Do you desire to gain time and freedom, create scalability, and hit 4-figure months? Inside of DancePreneur Academy, I teach you how to do this by turning your 1:1, consulting/workshops into a curriculum-driven group program. Wanna learn more? Schedule a call and let's chat. -
Nov 24, 2022
18 min
Will Your Community Trust You if Your Program is "Expensive"? with Cynthia Paniagua
Are you a dancepreneur who is having a hard time raising your prices? You want to serve your community and make sure everyone has access. And you’re so used to working with the bare minimum and being the “starving artist.” But when you look at the life you want to live, the life you are working toward, that mindset doesn’t actually align with it.  You wonder, “will my community still trust me, if my program is expensive?’ In episode #215 of the Dance Boss Podcast, I sit down with Cynthia Paniagua, dancer, choreographer, and dance educator, and we dive into just that. We talk: Learning to feel worthy and understand value Mindsets Cynthia had to shift to build her dance business The importance of having clarity Working through imposter syndrome and having courage   Click here for show notes    Did you see Apolla Performance get a deal on Shark Tank? It was so exciting to see our dance community represented and spotlighted on National TV. Check out their shocks now! IG/FB @Apollaperfomance   Are you a dance professional that currently offers your services 1:1, through workshops or consulting? Do you desire to gain time and freedom, create scalability, and hit 4-figure months? Inside of DancePreneur Academy, I teach you how to do this by turning your 1:1, consulting/workshops into a curriculum-driven group program. Wanna learn more? Schedule a call and let's chat. -
Nov 17, 2022
46 min
How Chicago Dance Therapy is meeting community needs with Erica Hornthal
Have you heard of dance movement therapy? Before talking to Erica Hornthal, CEO of Chicago Dance Therapy, I had no idea what it really was, but I had so much fun deconstructing her business and I know you will benefit from this conversation. In episode #214 of the Dance Boss Podcast, Erica and I discuss her online dance business, how it started, and how it has shifted.  We talk:  How Erica got into this work and how she knew she was on the right path Meeting community needs instead of using your own judgment How COVID affected her business and shifted her perspective “Balancing” being a mom with running a business And Erica’s new book, Body Aware   Click here for show notes    Did you see Apolla Performance get a deal on Shark Tank? It was so exciting to see our dance community represented and spotlighted on National TV. Check out their shocks now! IG/FB @Apollaperfomance   Are you a dance professional that currently offers your services 1:1, through workshops or consulting? Do you desire to gain time and freedom, create scalability, and hit 4-figure months? Inside of DancePreneur Academy, I teach you how to do this by turning your 1:1, consulting/workshops into a curriculum-driven group program. Wanna learn more? Schedule a call and let's chat. -
Nov 10, 2022
41 min
Reflecting on Year One of Dance Boss
As this year comes to a close, I want to reflect on the many changes I’ve made since the start of Dance Boss. Personally and professionally, I’ve grown so much and I am grateful for it. In episode #213 of the Dance Boss Podcast, I dive into my first year of business and how it impacted my life. I share my biggest struggles, my aha moments, and my plans for the future.   Click here for show notes    Did you see Apolla Performance get a deal on Shark Tank? It was so exciting to see our dance community represented and spotlighted on National TV. Check out their shocks now! IG/FB @Apollaperfomance   Are you a dance professional that currently offers your services 1:1, through workshops or consulting? Do you desire to gain time and freedom, create scalability, and hit 4-figure months? Inside of DancePreneur Academy, I teach you how to do this by turning your 1:1, consulting/workshops into a curriculum-driven group program. Wanna learn more? Schedule a call and let's chat. -
Nov 3, 2022
22 min
Teaching with Intentionality
Today I am sharing a training workshop I did for DSO Connect in the summer of 2020.  My presentation was originally called “systemizing your dance classroom,” but as I listened to it, I realized that it was really about teaching with intentionality.  In episode #212 of the Dance Boss Podcast, I dive into what it means to be a dance educator, not a dance teacher, differentiating instruction, and creating lesson plans to foster your student’s needs. It is value packed with actionable steps you can use to help make your classes meaningful.   Click here for show notes    Did you see Apolla Performance get a deal on Shark Tank? It was so exciting to see our dance community represented and spotlighted on National TV. Check out their shocks now! IG/FB @Apollaperfomance   Are you a dance professional that currently offers your services 1:1, through workshops or consulting? Do you desire to gain time and freedom, create scalability, and hit 4-figure months? Inside of DancePreneur Academy, I teach you how to do this by turning your 1:1, consulting/workshops into a curriculum-driven group program. Wanna learn more? Schedule a call and let's chat. -
Oct 27, 2022
49 min
Scaffolding Your Dance Classes
Beginning with the end in mind, like any good meal prep you need a plan. The same holds true for dance class prep.  Think of the combination as your recipe and the rest of the class (warm-ups, across the floor, etc.) as your ingredients.  In episode #211 of the Dance Boss Podcast, I talk all about scaffolding your dance classes and structuring them in a way that helps students learn deep and also saves you time on the planning end.   Click here for show notes    Did you see Apolla Performance get a deal on Shark Tank? It was so exciting to see our dance community represented and spotlighted on National TV. Check out their shocks now! IG/FB @Apollaperfomance   Are you a dance professional that currently offers your services 1:1, through workshops or consulting? Do you desire to gain time and freedom, create scalability, and hit 4-figure months? Inside of DancePreneur Academy, I teach you how to do this by turning your 1:1, consulting/workshops into a curriculum-driven group program. Wanna learn more? Schedule a call and let's chat. -
Oct 20, 2022
25 min
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