After about 21 minutes of talk about Star Trek Movies and how Rachel is STILL working through FFXVI, we get down to business talking about Chrono Trigger. Dinosaurs being assholes, future people being assholes, and Lavos ABSOLUTELY being an asshole, AND MORE await on the next episode of DAAAAAAMN CHOCOBO!!!! As always if you wanna reach out for any reason, tell Jake he's a sexy beast, tell Rachel she is incredibly awesome, or comment on how the show is doing - feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] or @damnchocobo on the major Social Media sites! Intro: Corridors of Time Remix by OSRSBeatz Outro: Dumbest Girl Alive by 100 Gecs
Jan 5, 2024
1 hr 18 min
OMFG This episode was completed way too long ago and I forgot to upload it. We play more Chrono Trigger and its very good. The end. As always reach out to us at [email protected] or @damnchocobo on various social media platforms if you wanna say hi or ask wtf took so long. Seriously, this is embarassing and throwing me off my usual game. Intro: Corridors of Time (80's remix) by Sulkembo Outro: Cry to Heaven by Creeper
Nov 20, 2023
2 hr 50 min
Rachel and Jake start what was supposed to.a short audio clip for social media that blew up into a full on mini-episode. Complete with shit-tacular audio, we talk about if Chrono is an interesting character or not. Intro: There isn't One. I mean, I guess me talking about the episode? Maybe that counts? Outro: I didn't incude one because... welll..... this was supposed to be a quick bang out thing and I'm really tired! I Dunno, blame Jake! It's his fault somehow! I don't know exactly but I'm certain :D As always feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] if you wanna tell us how hot we are or @damnchocobo on the main socials if you wanna get your feed occasionally hit withour dumb nonsense.
Oct 4, 2023
26 min
Listen, it takes 29 minutes for actual Chrono Trigger talk to start and thats AFTER editing the heck out of it. You know the deal by now, we're terrible at this and not gunna change any time soon. ;) Rachel and Jake have arrived at one of the greatest RPG's ever made - the incredibly highly regarded CHRONO TRIGGER! Do you need us to tell you its any good? NO, you absolutely do not. You could listen to us TRY and think of something intersting to say about this game.... or you can just go play it. (Also we were unusually tired? That ever happen to you? You just mentally crash out of nowhere? Yes, we're old). I dunno man, its a great game! Why are you even reading this? ALL THIS RAMBLING NONSENSE AND MORE ON THIS EPISODE OF DAAAAAMN CHOCOBOOOOO!!!! Intro: Secret of the forest by Guido Outro: Scorpion by 3TEETH
Jul 17, 2023
1 hr 53 min
After totally forgetting we finished recording Rachel finally gets around and edits/uploads this episode! After around 28 minutes we finally talk about Kingdom Hearts 3's DLC - ReMind! We talk about stuff, it's mostly good. I dunno, I'm too embarassed the episode is so stupid late! As always you can contact us at [email protected] or @damnchocobo on various social media! Intro: Scala Ad Caelum Battle Theme (Edge of Existence) - SilverTom Remix Outro: HATEFULL by HEALTH
May 9, 2023
2 hr 40 min
After a brief - for us - 14 minute catch up on other nonsense, Rachel and Jake get down to business and talk about the game finale to Kingdom Hearts 3... and unexpected show a shift in overall thoughts on the game! Things FINALLY happen as our various missing companions finally join the fray, Organization XIII take action, we hunt down the Ultima Weapon, handle far more minigames than ever expected AND MUCH MUCH MORE await on this return to exremely long episodes we call DAAAAAAAAAAMN CHOCOBOOOOOOO (Episoe 127 heheheh). Intro: Don't Think Twice REMIX by the Punkins Outro: EXCESS by HEALTH
Mar 6, 2023
3 hr 48 min
Rachel and Jake sit down to bid goobye to 2022 the only way they know how. By sitting down with some drinks and playing old games while also swearing a lot. This year we sit down with the recent TMNT "Cowabunga Collection" and play the original Arcade Game, the arcade version of Turtles in Time, and then to a bit of fooling about in the Hyperstone Heist because why the heck not? Along with nostalgic memories and about a billion button clicks we talk about our "TOP 10 THINGS/EVENTS/WHATEVERS" of 2022. As usual you can reach out to us at [email protected] or on most social media @damnchocobo
Jan 21, 2023
2 hr 22 min
RACHEL and Jake return after an absurd time away (seriously the last few months have been WILD!) to get through the last bit of the less good stuff in Kingdom Hearts 3, just in time to save all of the good stuff for the next episode! Sora accomplishing a whole lot of nothing, a doublecross, a doublecross again, inneffective drop kicks, falling off mountains, Donald being comletely fed up, and lots and lots of Disney await on the next epic we call DAAAAAAMN CHOCOBOOOOO!!! As always you can reach out to us at [email protected] or @damnchocobo on the varous popular social media channels (as in Facebook, Twitter, Instagram). Intro: Wave of Darkness by Infinite Rivals Outro: Insane by Korn
Jan 5, 2023
2 hr 21 min
Jake and Rich (or is it.... Rachel?!?!?!?) get back to business after a somewhat insane delay to continue our run through Kingdom Hearts 3! Game talk starts around 25 minutes in where to discuss Sora talking toooons of trash, old threats seeming somewhat aimless, the main characters also being somewhat aimless, the games lack of any real damand on the player to be skilled, why some worlds are excting and others are not, and much much more (not to mention Jake frequently drumming on his table - seriously dude wtf!) on the latest episode of DAAAAAAAAAAMN CHOCOBOOOOOOO!!!! As always you can reach out to us at [email protected] or @damnchocobo on the varous popular social media channels (as in Facebook, Twitter, Instagram). Intro: Face My Fears - Kasger x MELURAN Bootleg Outro: Yen - Slipknot
Oct 23, 2022
2 hr 3 min
Opening with 35 minutes discussing the Obi Wan miniseries from Disney + we eventually FINALLY get around to discussing what goes down in Kingdom Hearts 3. Sora losing is mojo like a complete chump, Donald being the smartest guy in a room full of idiots, the Organization XIII being toothless wimps, and much much more await on this tasty lick we call DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN CHOCOBOOOOOOOOO!!!! If you have any questions or want to reach out to us for any reason feel free to email at [email protected] or reach out @damnchocobo on all the standard social sites. Intro: Don't Think Twice by AmaLee Outro: Armee der Tristen by Rammstein
Jul 4, 2022
2 hr 37 min
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