We are the church of God in Christ Jesus. You can join in, you got to be born in. It is time for the church of God to arise and be the lights of the world we were called to be,embassadors of Christ.
Feb 21, 2014
37 min

The Message of the Cross is the message... No matter where you've been or what you have done, Gods grace is sufficient.
Jan 4, 2014
46 min

We have so much to give God Thanks for. The Lord is continually looking after our welfare, even when we are not aware. Just as the children of Isreal, we grumble and complain, yet God's grace is sufficient for us.
Dec 20, 2013
42 min

There are people stragically positioned to cause you to miss the mark. satan is a stategist and as children of God you must be as well. The Lord lets us know to be as wise as a serpent, yet as humble as doves. I reminded of the an individual that allowed people to make them miss the "promise". Moses, allowiing the naggin, complaining, ungrateful, disobedient isrealites to cause him to disobey Gods command and act out of anger. This cost he and his brother Aaron the chance to go over into the promise land. We will look at situations and individuals that may be set up stragically to cause you to miss the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus.
Feb 15, 2013
49 min

Many of us are blinded by our current circumstances, situations past, present and we even fear the future. Just as the children of Isreal when God commanded them to go in and pocess the land he had promised them, the situation did not look favorable, so they grumbled and doubted. We also are not trusting God, who has given us a promise to never leave us nor to forsake us. Doubt is sin and we need to repent of our unbelief and get back in alignment to our inheritance. We must go through the problems to get through to the promise.
Feb 1, 2013
59 min