D³: LIVE & INTERACTiVE (MP4) - Channel 9 Podcast
D³: LIVE & INTERACTiVE (MP4) - Channel 9
Microsoft Canada
Sharing "Awesome" Across Multiple Screens - episode of D³: LIVE & INTERACTiVE (MP4) - Channel 9 podcast

Sharing "Awesome" Across Multiple Screens

46 minutes Posted Dec 6, 2012 at 5:34 am.
PM ET and features the latest updates on what's new and exciting in the world of development; featured presentations; and guests. LIVE and INTERACTIVE means that you'll be part of the show – You're invited to interact with us; ask questions and get them answered; and share your thoughts and opinions. Join the Canadian Developer Connection LinkedIn group Follow @devsdevdevs Like D³ on Facebook Subscribe to podcasts via iTunes, Zune, or RSS Download the Canadian Developer Connection Windows Store app Download the Canadian Developer Connection Windows Phone app More D³: LIVE & INTERACTIVE >>
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Windows Phone apps don't just simply run on Windows 8 as they are. There are ways. However, to architect your code so that you can share your "awesome" across multiple screens. Alnur Ismail shows how. Join the Conversation Do you see yourself writing a complete app and then refactoring to use portable class libraries? or architecting with portable classes from the beginning? Start a new conversation in the Canadian Developer Connection group on LinkedIn. Alnur, as well as fellow Canadian developers are there networking, sharing, and learning. While visiting the group, make sure to join the group and stay connected. This segment was presented and recording LIVE on Wednesday, December 5, 2012. D³: LIVE & INTERACTiVE In case you haven't heard about the show, Developers, Developers, Developers: LIVE & INTERACTIVE (D³) is a monthly show hosted by Jonathan Rozenblit. The show airs live every first Wednesday of the month at