D³: LIVE & INTERACTiVE (MP4) - Channel 9 Podcast
D³: LIVE & INTERACTiVE (MP4) - Channel 9
Microsoft Canada
Consistent App Experiences with Paul Laberge - episode of D³: LIVE & INTERACTiVE (MP4) - Channel 9 podcast

Consistent App Experiences with Paul Laberge

56 minutes Posted Aug 6, 2012 at 12:45 pm.
PM ET and features the latest updates on what's new and exciting in the world of development; featured presentations; and guests. LIVE and INTERACTIVE means that you'll be part of the show – You're invited to interact with us; ask questions and get them answered; and share your thoughts and opinions. Join the Canadian Developer Connection LinkedIn group Follow @devsdevdevs Like D³ on Facebook Subscribe to podcasts via iTunes, Zune, or RSS Download the Canadian Developer Connection Windows Phone app More D³: LIVE & INTERACTIVE >>
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Great apps have a special ingredient to them that make them great – the experience of the app itself. Paul Laberge comes back to D³: LIVE & INTERACTiVE for a chat on what it takes to create great, but more importantly, consistent, app experiences. Watch the new from this episode >> D³: LIVE & INTERACTiVE Developers, Developers, Developers: LIVE & INTERACTIVE (D³) is a monthly show hosted by Jonathan Rozenblit. The show airs live every first Wednesday of the month at