Cutting Edge Ministries Podcasts Podcast

Cutting Edge Ministries Podcasts

David Bay
Spiritual insights into the New World Order so startling that you will never look at the news the same way again.
When you understand the principles in this message, you will understand that God is so loving that He has erected all sorts of huge obstacles designed to keep people from Hell, and He has deliberately placed them directly in the life-path of each person. Therefore, a person literally has to climb all over these huge obstacles to get into Hell! 
Aug 18, 2022
37 min
Led by President Biden, the West has turned American energy independence into a massive money laundering operation designed to funnel billions of dollars to the Putin war machine!
Several new topics discussed today are;California has now introduced a bill which would legalize the murder of babies up until they were 7 days old!Marriage is now no longer a commitment to God and holy; it is now "Nonbinary"!Did President Biden just quietly create a new Federal Agency which will usher in Climate Change through massive government regulation?A retired IDF general declared that the new war with the Palestinians has ALREADY begun!When you 'follow the science', you realize that life 'begins at the beginning'The U.S. Supreme Court issued two rulings, one Conservative and one Liberal nation-ending.Leftists continue to lie about the Supreme Court ruling that Abortion is now not available any longer.
Aug 11, 2022
27 min
Our current status.  A new DVD and then boom - everybody gets Covid but recovering now.
It has been a while since our last podcast. Part of that was due to being in the studio and producing the new DVD from Mac Dominick. The other part was that our entire staff tested positive for Covid which took the wind out of our sails for a couple weeks but now we are back at it with this podcast update and what's coming next. David is again posting daily news updates and writing our free newsletters and news alert.
Aug 10, 2022
6 min
President Biden Is Carrying America Into the land of "Low Entropy"
In The Mind of A Radical Extremist Like Biden, Entropy is  the Commonwealth of Antichrist.President Biden actually told the truth last week! He said that the reason gas and oil prices were so high and would be going higher, is that he was forcing us to transition from a Capitalist economy based on Fossil Fuels into a Socialist economy based upon clean energy.
Jun 15, 2022
30 min
The Six Step Attitudinal Change Plan using media to change your values
We will demonstrate a Six-Step Process by which people's attitudes are being changed permanently on a population-wide basis by all forms of Mass Media.This process was developed to change those most-deeply held attitudes, which naturally are traditional Christian values. Once you hear this process, and understand the examples of its use, you will realize it is being simultaneously utilized in many areas by the Mass Media.
Jun 9, 2022
58 min
God's Annihilating Judgment On America During The Height of her Prosperity
God will wreak annihilating judgment upon America at the point where she is most prosperous. God dramatically informs us that America, specifically, will be in financial prosperity until God annihilates her in judgment, with fire, in one hour. That inspired prognostication from God is found Revelation 18:7-8.We have repeatedly shown how this nation has rejected our original foundation of Judeo-Christian values and had replaced them with actual Satanic values. This single act has resulted in many other problems with which we are now struggling: Divorce and the breakup of the traditional family, drugs, alcohol, crime of every type, the acceptance of homosexuality, and many others. For this dramatic denial of our original Christian values, America richly deserves God's physical judgment.Also from the beginning, we have shown how America is leading the world into the New World Order, which is the Biblical Great Tribulation, the Kingdom of Antichrist. As we know, the Bible calls the Great Tribulation the most severe outpouring of God's judgment upon the entire world that mankind has ever seen, coupled with the most murderous campaign of extinction ever carried out by any leader anytime or anywhere. Of course, this leader is the Anti-Christ, the one whom the New Agers call Maitreya.America richly deserves God's judgment.  Are you spiritually ready to meet Jesus at the White Throne Judgment?  
Jun 6, 2022
34 min
Events Are Planned Out Far in Advance By Demonic Forces
Since the Garden of Eden, Godly angels have been battling demonic beings to determine how the king/ruler will govern.   Daniel, Chapter 10, is the key to understanding how the Conspiracy to Produce Antichrist stretches back in time 5,000 Years.    No one can understand events of this day, or how events are going to unfold in the prophetic future, if they do not understand how an ungodly demon is daily influencing an ungodly ruler to act in such a way as to fulfill the wishes of Satan.  God is Sovereign, so He could win every single battle, but God allows Satan the victory on some issues, the more so as the world spins toward the very End of the Age.For example, 'Gog' is the demonic being guiding the decisions of the Russian leader to turn away from his original agenda and turn his army south so he can attack Israel in fulfillment of Ezekiel 38-39!Truly, once you understand this message, you will never look at the news the same way again!
Jun 6, 2022
31 min
World War III Will Cement All of President Biden's Proposed Changes.
Dissolving our Constitution, eliminating all our rights and freedoms, and allowing for complete government control over EVERYTHING.  Democrats don't care about Biden's poll numbers, because they plan to act domestically once the global World War III begins that will cement all the changes they are implementing! The Illuminati has set one disaster in place after another, so that, when the first shots are fired, starting World War III, the entire world is going to be thrust into absolute, unreasoning panic. At that moment also, the Democrats  plan o declare Martial Law, dissolve our Constitution. and cancel all elections!Therefore, as World War III begins, the Illuminati is going to use the war as the excuse for dissolving our Constitution, eliminating all our rights and privileges, and turn this beautiful land into an Absolute Dictatorship.So, don't pay any attention to these polls, so called, as they will be rendered useless by the "Perfect Crises" that shall allow Biden and Pelosi and the Joint Chiefs of Staff to knock down our entire government and Constitution. These leaders will rule as Absolute Dictators and elections will be no more.
Jun 6, 2022
27 min
America's Hidden One-Party Dictatorship
'Not a dime's worth of difference' -- Every single day, Mass Media across the political spectrum spew forth news and opinions based upon a supposed difference between Democrats and Republicans.  Entire wars have been fought over this  supposed difference.But we shall show you that, at the foundation of our civilization, America has been ruled by a hidden One Party system!  Have you noticed that many politicians will forget their campaign promises  the minute they are elected?  Have you noticed that politicians will suddenly betray their principles on a key bill that gives the victory on the issue to their political enemies?This distressing development occurred because at the base of our political system, am overwhelming majority of politicans -- on both sides -- secretly support the coming One World System known as the New World Order.Alabama Governor George Wallace was absolutely correct when he said that there is 'Not a dime's worth of difference'  between Democrat and Republican parties!Visit us at to learn more and sign up for our free email newsletter, Daily News Updates and browse our online store for books and DVDs.
Jun 6, 2022
22 min
Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
The Protocols were Automatically written about 200 years ago, laying out a plan by which all civilizations could be overthrown, being replaced by the Absolute Dictatorship known as the New World Order.  This plan is very real, but it was falsely written to appear to be a Jewish Conspiracy to take over the world.Anyone with a knowledge of history the past 200 years can see how the Protocols has been the inspiration of historical events, such as the Great French Revolution.  Therefore, the Protocols is the    Incinerator of Civilizations, the greatest Enslaver of mankind, and most ungodly document ever conceived.At the end of this conspiracy, Antichrist will be enthroned! Visit us at to learn more and sign up for our free email newsletter, Daily News Updates and browse our online store for books and DVDs.
Jun 6, 2022
30 min
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