Curating Wellness Podcast

Curating Wellness

Dr. Isabel Perez & Dr. Jyun Shimizu
Quantum Decoders has been formed to bring awareness to the art of truly living extraordinary, fulfilling, happy lives. As part of a growing community and evidence for alternative medicine grows, we remain at the forefront in providing the most updated education and practices to our community. Biological Decoding identifies when a person locates the exact moment in which the biological conflict occurred.
What is Epigenetics and Controlling our Environment with Ken Close
The process of epigenetics, where the readability, or expression, of genes, is modified without changing the DNA code itself. Tiny chemical tags are added to or removed from our DNA in response to changes in the environment in which we are living. These tags turn genes on or off, offering a way of adapting to changing conditions without inflicting a more permanent shift in our genomes.In Biology of Belief, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., outlines a new understanding of life-based on his pioneering r...
Jul 28, 2022
31 min
Introduction to isamizu
We are passionate about empowering you to take control of your health and well-being. We strive to expand awareness and knowledge by providing a simple approach combining the latest breakthroughs of modern science, technology with ancient wisdom. Our knowledgeable experts might help you get some answers to express the best version of yourself.We want to welcome you to this journey where we expand awareness to achieve well-being.isamizu - helping you expand your awareness through the int...
Mar 31, 2022
3 min
Do you know what kind of bacteria is in your mouth and how it affects the rest of your body?
Dr Iśabel Perez is an integrative dentist with over 20 years of experience. She promotes comprehensive oral health, knowing the connection between oral health and general health. She believes that the mouth reflects the overall wellness and focuses on natural health and energy healing, utilizing her Reiki Master skills to support her patients. So let's talk about the oral microbiome. A microbiome is a group of microorganisms that live inside and outside of the body and are both helpful and po...
Jan 26, 2022
6 min
Mind and Mouth Connection through PNEI and PNO
PNEI is focused on four major control systems of the human body: the nervous, the endocrine and the immune systems, and between them and the psyche which is the emotional and cognitive identity that allows us all to be different.The various systems (psychological, neurological, endocrine and immune) interact with each other to achieve the internal homeostasis of the organism. As proof of this, it has been proved that the immune cells are able to interpret the messages coming from the autonomo...
Jan 26, 2022
8 min
Dental Decoding and how it is linked to Psycho Neuro Odontology (PNO) with Dr. Christian Beyer
Dr. Christian Beyer has shared for many years the encounter with our teeth from the eyes of the heart and a synthetic understanding of different human levels. He affirms that all the theoretical-practical approaches to Dental Decoding (Decodification) are his own.The beginning of his journey towards what he is today was totally accidental. It all started as a result of an unexpected manifestation in a cavity. During the third year of his career, one of the patients he treated had strange cavi...
Jan 26, 2022
47 min
Finding the Root Cause in Women's health that could be triggered by Teeth, with Dr Caitlin Czezowski
Dr. Caitlin Czezowski DC, CFMP, CACCP is a doctor of chiropractic, certified functional medicine practitioner, author and speaker with extensive training in women's health, pregnancy and pediatrics. There are 2 things that Dr. Caitlin believes will determine your health. The first is the health of your mouth. Dr. Caitlin's health took a turn for the worse in her 20's, and no doctor could tell her why. It wasn't until she traced her root cause back to the dental work she had done as a teenager...
Jan 26, 2022
35 min
How to treat TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint) Dysfunction and BRUXISM (teeth grinding) with YOGA
Florencia Melo facilitates communication spaces with the body so that people connect with their authenticity and understand the impact of stress on the body and emotions to improve their quality of life.What is TMJD?Temporomandibular dysfunction is a problem in this joint and may end up causing jaw pain, headaches, neck pain, limited mouth opening and clicking when moving the jaw.What is bruxism?Bruxism is the habit of teeth grinding, usually during sleep. Bruxism is an abnormal clenching or ...
Jan 26, 2022
55 min
But it really starts from your Gut - Serotonin, Dopamine and GABA Hormones
If you’ve ever “gone with your gut” to make a decision or felt “butterflies in your stomach” when nervous, you’re likely getting signals from an unexpected source: your second brain. There has been a huge interest in the connections between the microbiome and the brain.Throughout our lives, we acquire bacteria. Each part of the human body has different types of bacteria. Bacteria living in the mouth are different from those ones living on the hair. Bacteria arrive in our bodies very early. Fo...
Jan 26, 2022
4 min
How to heal Inherited Family Trauma - Brainspotting - with Nancy Tung
Brainspotting is a powerful, focused mindfulness healing modality that works by identifying, processing, and releasing core neurophysiological sources of emotional/physical pain, trauma, and dissociation. Developed by Dr. David Grand, it is easy to learn and can be comfortably adapted to your favourite healing modality. Grow your healing toolset with one of these training today.Nancy Tung is a Brainspotting trainer, she pioneered Brainspotting training in Asia Pacific regions: Taiwan, Hong Ko...
Oct 13, 2021
48 min
Protect your health and Prevent autoimmune diseases with Dr. Prathiba Shah
Learn key steps to protect your health with Ayurveda and how to prevent and control an autoimmune disease a condition in which your immune system mistakenly attacks your body.There is a triad that contributes to autoimmune disease: genetics, environment, and gut dysbiosis. The only piece of the triad that we can modify a little easier is gut dysbiosis. Diet and lifestyle choices are helping us either go towards health or towards disease. Ayurveda is a science of common sense according to Dr. ...
Oct 13, 2021
43 min
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