CRUcial Conversations
CRUcial Conversations
Community Resource Unit Ltd.
Reflections on CRUcial Conversations with Nance, Lesley and Karin
40 minutes Posted Jul 11, 2019 at 1:00 pm.
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Hearing others talk about what they heard and what made sense to them can help us to see things in a new way. With that in mind we invited two good friends of CRU, Lesley Chenoweth and Karin Swift, to converse with journalist, Nance Haxton about the series.
Lesley Chenoweth AO is an academic, activist and adjunct Professor at Griffith University. Lesley committed her career to advancing the rights of people with disability and ensuring their voices are heard. This included time working at CRU in the 1980s and later serving as President of the Management Committee.
Karin Swift currently works as a policy officer for Queenslander’s with Disability Network (QDN). She was the president of Women With Disability Australia (WWDA) and was a non-government representative to the Australian Government delegation to the United Nations in 2012.
Nance Haxton won two Walkley Awards for her work as an ABC Journalist. She has a family member with disability and she and her family have connected with CRU over many years.
We hope their reflections on the themes that emerged and the ideas and memories that sparked for them will enhance your own reflections.