Many people think theistic evolution, also known as evolutionary creation, a
position held by many theologians and scientists today, represents the sensible
middle ground, but is that really the case?
Jan 25, 2024
7 min

Several influential archaeologists reject the Bible’s portrayal of the monarchy
led by Saul, David, and Solomon, claiming that the physical evidence contradicts
the biblical record. Such claims are often repeated to the public as if they
have been proven beyond reasonable doubt. But they are actually based on highly
controversial interpretations of the facts. The evidence for Saul, David, and
Solomon is plentiful, and if archaeological discoveries continue on their
current trajectories, more supporting evidence will surface in the future.
Dec 21, 2023
45 min

Science is a wonderful thing and the quotes we have considered here are candid
and revealing. They show that astrophysicists and astronomers do not have
everything figured out, and chances are they will not anytime soon.
Nov 30, 2023
13 min

Bible Project has become increasingly popular in recent years. While the
production value of their resources is high, we believe that there are some
concerns that need to be addressed. What some perceive as minor differences
among believers on Genesis has far-reaching implications.
Nov 16, 2023
27 min

Events, such as the Genesis Flood, would have resulted in a disordered dinosaur
bone bed. When interpreted under an evolutionary worldview that discounts the
reality of the Flood, this led to the ‘discovery’ of a dinosaur that never
Oct 19, 2023
7 min

Christians need to be pro-active in working to see others come to faith in
Christ. In doing that we will also be once again laying the foundations for
human flourishing, but also the flourishing of the planet because man is needed
to look after it; that’s the way God designed it to be.
Sep 21, 2023
59 min

God has designed the creation to be a place where people and animals can live in
harmony when we take seriously our calling to be good stewards of nature.
Sep 7, 2023

Children are being indoctrinated with a secular view of dinosaurs. Dr Tas Walker shares questions to ask and tips for teaching kids about dinosaurs from a biblical perspective.
Aug 16, 2023
26 min

The Altamira / Lascaux / Chauvet cave art stands as a spectacular testimony to
the reality of biblical history, and the bankruptcy of ‘human evolution’. How
could ‘cavemen’ have possibly produced such artistic masterpieces?
Aug 10, 2023
12 min

It seems to me that, for millennia, people have believed they know better than
God. When will we learn? ‘In His Image’ primarily deals with contemporary
ethical challenges, and how churches should respond to them.
Jul 13, 2023
13 min
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