The missing, or lost, episode is the one that should have been aired between 8 and 9. So we'll call it 8.5.
Seth Meyers has written the book 'Sympathy For The Devil', where he makes us think about whether we could show empathy to a Nazi...A Nazi in the 25th century???
Yes, a baby is left in a simulator in the NY of 1914. Later he was taken to Germany to grow ther and we already know what happened.
A reflection on the absurdity of racial hate. A book that I have explained to you as if it were an episode. I hope you like it.
#RenewTheOrville, come on, let's fill twitter with this message
Renew The Orville. Please sign it:
Purple Triangles Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opESQ1Nr3VM&ab_channel=RobertHJacksonCenter
From Hitler’s Army to a Ministry in Spain. As told by Georg Reuter:
Sep 1, 2022
1 hr 9 min

What happens when a Catalan and a Valencian sit to talk about The Orville? The result is a calm and deep analysis of the season 3.
Issues from Suicide to Forgiveness and all about the best and profound season, till now, of The Orville. I hope you enjoy it and don’t forget to subscribe and give your opinion about the show and our podcast.
Change.org to ask to Renew The Orville for a fourth season: https://www.change.org/p/hulu-renew-the-orville-season-4
Suicide Hotlines: https://blog.opencounseling.com/suicide-hotlines/
Why Go On Living?: https://www.jw.org/en/library/magazines/g201404/go-on-living-why/
Aug 21, 2022
2 hr 46 min