Craft Beer Storm
Craft Beer Storm
Michael Power
Beer Styles # 12 - Gluten Free Beer
9 minutes Posted Jan 9, 2019 at 2:00 am.
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Gluten Free Beer

Gluten is a protein composite found in several types of grains, including wheat, spelt, rye and barley. ... Therefore,gluten exposure in celiacs causes the immune system to attack both the gluten as well as the intestinal wall itself. For this reason, celiac disease is classified as an autoimmune disease.

Gluten Intolerance or Sensitivity - People with nonceliac gluten sensitivity do not have damage to their intestinal lining. Still, they experience headaches, bloating, fatigue, or diarrhea after eating foods containing gluten. As a result, they believe that a gluten-free diet improves their quality of life.

Gluten Free beer is usually made with Sorghum.

Sorghum is a grass that provides a gluten-free grain that is grown widely as a food crop in Africa and Asia, as well as in parts of the Americas.

Sorghum is widely used in the modern African industrial brewing, because domestically produced sorghum is less costly than imported barley.

GABF category includes lagers, ales or other beers made from fermentable sugars, grains and converted carbohydrates

All ingredients must be free of gluten.

Within the framework of these guidelines, beers brewed with barley, wheat, spelt, rye, and other gluten-containing ingredients may not be categorized as Gluten-Free.

Gluten-Free Beers may contain malted grains that are gluten-free.

Wine, mead, flavored malt beverages or beverages other than "beer" as defined by the TTB (U.S. Trade and Tax Bureau) are not considered “gluten-free beer” under these guidelines.

Gluten-reduced beers’ original ingredients would have gluten content that has been reduced by enzymes or other processes to reduced levels. Gluten-reduced beers should be categorized in the classic style category most appropriate for the beer, rather than as Gluten-Free Beer.

Color, Clarity, Hop Aroma and Flavor and Bitterness, Body, ABV: Varies according to style
12 Gluten-Free Beers That Really Do Taste Great

Dogfish Head Tweason’ale

This sorghum-based ale is released four times a year in between their seasonal suds. Flavored with strawberries, sweetened with a bit of buckwheat honey, and topped off with hints of molasses and mild hops, the brew has a mild, fruity taste.

Stone Delicious IPA (Gluten Reduced Beer)

The dry-hopped brew has an intense citrus taste with a bitter kick that’s balanced with a hoppy spice.

Omission Lager

Omission was the first craft brewery in the U.S. to focus exclusively on brewing beers with traditional ingredients (like malted barley) that are then specially crafted to remove gluten. It retains that great craft beer flavor and, because of the unique brewing process, tastes so close to a traditional lager that most people probably wouldn’t even know it's gluten-free.

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Michael Potorti is the Host of Craft Beer Storm and Founder/Brewer at Beara Brewing Co. in Portsmouth, NH

Michael Potorti
Host of "Craft Beer Storm" Podcast

*** Come visit our brewery for some delicious local craft brew! ***

Beara Brewing Co.
2800 Lafayette Road
Portsmouth, NH 03801
Tel. (857) 342-3272