For this episode, Bernie chats with Simone Franke, the Hopp.team‘s Chief Community Officer and the Founder and CEO of Pappus and Vika Zhurbas, President of the Ukrainian Coworking Association and Project manager at Workcloud24.
Simone and Vika talk about the upcoming Coworking and Coliving Meetup organised by the European Coworking Assembly: Coworking Nativo happening on the 7th of October 2022 at 11:00 – 20:00 WEST.
Coworking Nativo is a linked, audience-led event with a goal: to bring together the Portuguese coworking community and friends.
They will talk about how to return to coworking roots, what that means, and what is needed to do to adapt to the post-COVID world we now live in, which is constantly changing.
To RSVP to the event, head on to Coworking Nativo and we hope to see you there.
Sep 7, 2022
19 min

In this episode, we are back with Tash Thomas, the Director of Diversity, Equality & Inclusion of the European Coworking Assembly. Tash is a well-known inclusion and diversity advocate and speaker. She is currently the co-founder of Breaking the Distance, a one-of-a-kind LGB TQIA+ travel and relationship blog.
She is also a professional presenter and panellist, and she is frequently invited to advocate for the LGBTQIA+ community and women of colour.
Tash is driven to effect change. All of her efforts are geared toward making the world a more equitable place.
Tash will also introduce us to the Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility Handbook, a long-awaited project of the European Coworking Assembly aimed at guiding coworking spaces to become a more diverse and inclusive community.
Aug 2, 2022
30 min

In this latest episode of Coworking Values Podcast, we welcome Gareth Jones Co-Founder of TownSq back.
Gareth and Bernie will be talking about the incoming Workshop on the 2nd of August: Coworking To Rebuild This City – helping people create value in and for our communities which Gareth will be hosting.
They will talk about the relationship between local coworking spaces and the communities within them with the local economy, the local authority, or the local government.
And how we, as business owners and community members, create and grow coworking spaces that benefit the local economy and build a strong future.
Join us on August 2nd in Kingston as we bring together some of London's top voices in coworking, local government, and technology for a full-fledged conversation about how we can rebuild this city through coworking. Our co-producers for this month are andcards.com, London Borough of Kingston and Big South London. With our Media sponsor - AllWork.Space .
Boot the Commute
Paul Kirkbright: The BIG South London Programme
South London Partnership
What if everyone could walk to work?
What if everyone was an entrepreneur?
Jul 27, 2022
26 min

In this episode, Bernie chats with Jon Seal , Managing Director of Technologywithin . Jon is a motivated and entrepreneurial senior executive with vast technology industry expertise. He's responsible for everything from customer acquisition to research and innovation. His key role is in maintaining consumer, board, and staff relationships.
They talk about how to level up and increase your skill set through education and apprenticeships. And how a traditional mindset can affect your perspective about learning, education and apprenticeships.
What is Accessibility in Coworking
Urban MBA
Forget Beer on Tap, Build a Bar: Impact Brixton Blends Traditional and Modern Coworking Inspiration
Jul 4, 2022
30 min

In this episode, you will meet Vika Zhurbas, founder of the Ukrainian Coworking Association. She will tell you how her early love for poetry and words brought her to learn multiple languages and develop a deep respect for diversity. Along her path, she enjoyed participating in and organizing events and presentations. Vika has been interacting with startups and entrepreneurs and has organized more than 500 events. She recently joined forces with DNI Events : Global Community for IT Professionals and is also working to unite flex Coworking spaces in Europe.
Jun 30, 2022
27 min

In this episode, Bernie chats with Paul Kirkbright, Head of Knowledge Exchange & Partnerships at South London Partnership and Programme Director of the BIG South London.
Bernie and Paul talk about the South London Partnership's BIG (Business, Innovation & Growth) South London Programme.
BIG South London is a support programme that brings together world-class knowledge, skills, and facilities from local universities and further education colleges for the benefit and economic recovery of South London-based businesses and communities.
They talk about how the programme aims to encourage innovation-led economic growth by assisting local firms in growing and improving productivity through support from and collaboration with the six South London universities.
Boot the Commute
Gareth I Jones
What If We can Walk to Work?
Three Sixty Rooms
Jun 14, 2022
20 min

Welcome back to another edition of the Coworking Values Podcast, where we discuss everything that is going on in the Coworking Community.
Welcome back to another edition of the Coworking Values Podcast, where we discuss everything that is going on in the Coworking Community.
Stephen Somerville, Co-founder of Contingent.Works in Bromley, London, joins us for this episode.
Contingent.Works exist to help Bromley become a better place. Bromley has an amazing history, with previous residents who have helped change the world, yet it often feels as if there is little to inspire the present generation of globe-shakers.
Bernie and Stephen "fanboys" about David Bowie and the role he and other previous residents had in putting Bromley on the map. And how Bromley has evolved into a vibrant startup hotspot.
And how they may engage with the local community, uncover new ideas and talent, and help entrepreneurs make business connections.
On Ziggy's 50th Birthday Party Stephen asks everyone to appreciate the places that shaped Ziggy by launching the first Bromley Bowie Map.
Contingent Works is holding an exclusive celebration to honour its hometown hero.
Jun 10, 2022
24 min

En este episodio del Coworking Values Podcast en Español entrevistamos a Manuel Zea Barral, fundador de Coworking Spain y organizador de la Conferencia Española de Coworking, CWSC
Manuel, arquitecto de profesión, nos cuenta cómo se inició en el mundo del Coworking y sugiere qué es lo que podría suceder en el futuro cercano de este movimiento.
Para conectar con Manuel en Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/manuelzea/
In this episode of the Coworking Values Podcast in Spanish we interview Manuel Zea Barral, founder of Coworking Spain and organizer of the Spanish Coworking Conference, CWSC.
Manuel, an architect by profession, tells us how he started in the world of Coworking and suggests what could happen in the near future for this movement. To connect with Manuel on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/manuelzea/
Jun 1, 2022
32 min

Welcome back to the Coworking Values Podcast.
For this episode, Bernie speaks with Simone Franke, the Hopp.team's Chief Community Officer and the Founder and CEO of Pappus.
Simone recognised the importance of community three years ago. After becoming unhappy with her 9 to 5 career, she joined a coworking space to find her purpose in bringing people back together.
Pappus Agency was founded on the solid belief that social synergies improve company efficiency, inventiveness, and sustainability.
Simone and Bernie will explore how the coworking community has shifted since before the Pandemic. How it continues to pave the path for a more inclusive, diverse, and accessible future of work.
They also talk about how the coworking community is more than simply a community; it is a living, breathing organism that is always growing and evolving.
Coworking IDEA Project
Coworking Europe Conference 2022
May 25, 2022
20 min

Igor Dzhebyan is the CEO and co-founder of andcards, born Ukrainian and self-proclaimed digital nomad.
In this podcast, you will listen to Igor’s story, where he explores the world of entrepreneurship, business, and personal development.
He shares with us his core values and how he is using them today to support his compatriots in distress because of the war.
Coworking in Europe for Ukraine
Coworking IDEA Project
May 18, 2022
22 min
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